How to Easily Add Zinc to Your Diet

A couple of years ago, I found out I was zinc deficient. According to the USDA, being zinc deficient is more usual than not. At least 62% of children don’t get enough zinc in their diets. Men, too, often have a zinc deficiency and, in men, zinc is even more vital than in women. Zinc is present in high amounts in semen so men need higher levels in order to produce healthy sperm, especially those who are trying to become fathers. Pregnant women also need zinc in higher amounts that when they’re not pregnant. Zinc is also important for healthy skin (it can be very beneficial to those who suffer from acne) and it’s also vital for proper liver function. If you have a zinc deficiency though, what’s the best way to get more zinc? When I found out I was zinc deficient, I read a lot about what I could do to get the correct amount of zinc in my diet, and here’s what I found out.

Zinc supplements – Of course, you can always take zinc supplements. Available at any pharmacy or health food store, zinc supplements are cheap and effective. If you do take zinc supplements to add zinc to your diet, how much is healthy? Women actually don’t need more than 12 to 20mg (20 mg if they’re breast feeding). Men shouldn’t take more than 30 mg, with children only needing 10mg. Remember though, you should also always see a doctor if you think you might have a zinc deficiency. Taking too much zinc can be more harmful than good and can result in a severely weakened immune system in some cases, which is why most doctors say don’t take them. In cases of too much zinc, you can end up severely anemic or with a copper deficiency.

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Oysters – Most doctors agree you’re better getting vitamins and minerals from food and zinc is no exception. To add zinc to your diet, you can eat more oysters. Oysters are one of the most effective foods you can eat to add zinc to your diet as they are extremely high in the mineral. A word of caution though, if you have AIDS/HIV, cancer or any other disease that has suppressed your immune system, do not eat oysters. Oysters can give someone food poisoning very easily to someone with a suppressed immune system or can even be fatal in some cases, so avoid them if there’s any concern about your immune system.

Cashews – Cashews are another food with zinc that is easy to add to your diet. You can eat a handful of cashews a couple of times a week, sprinkle over a salad, or cook with chicken to add enough zinc to solve your zinc deficiency. Cashews are also a great source of healthy protein, so you can kill two birds with one stone. Be careful not to eat too many though, as they are high in fat.

Chickpeas – For vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians, chickpeas are an awesome way to get more zinc. Chickpeas are also easy to cook and, if you add the right spices, they’re delicious too. Another great source of protein, chickpeas can be cooked and eaten cold on salads, ground up and fried to make falafel (awesome with pita bread and spicy mayonnaise), or even eaten in stews.

Chicken – If you eat chicken, you’re not very likely to have a zinc deficiency. Chicken is high in zinc and, as a lean white meat, is also perfect for part of a healthy diet. Grilled chicken on salad, seared chicken with green beans, stir fried chicken with Chinese vegetables – all are excellent, healthy ways to eat chicken and get more zinc.

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Low-Fat Dairy Products – Drink more milk, eat some low-fat yoghurt for breakfast, have a piece of cheese or a slice of custard pie, or drink a low-fat latte, all of these will add more zinc to your diet as dairy products are high in zinc. Most people who consume a lot of dairy products get plenty of zinc in their diets. If you don’t, adding some low-fat dairy can also add help build strong bones, which will make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis later on in life.

Any of these foods with a high zinc content are a quick and easy way to put more zinc into your diet. Just remember, if possible, stay away from the supplements and go for the healthy food instead. It’s safer.