Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

Many men have low sperm count. This can affect a relationship if the couple is trying to get pregnant. While there is no magic trick you can do to increase sperm count, there are home remedies a man can use to increase his sperm count. Vitamins, minerals, water and proteins can all help improve sperm count. Home remedies are all natural, easy to use, and usually found right in your own kitchen or at your local health food store. Check out these home remedies to improve sperm count.

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count: Nuts and Seeds

Eating different nuts and seeds can increase a man’s sperm count. The best nuts and seeds to eat are almonds, pistachio’s, cashew’s, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. To use these seeds and nuts as a home remedy to improve sperm count, put them all in a bowl together and eat a half a bowl every day.

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count: Diet

Eat fruits and vegetables every day to help increase sperm count. Men should also eat dried fruit and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Also avoid hot and spicy and bitter foods.

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count: Herbs

Shilajit, Ashwaghanda, and Kohinoor Gold are good herbs men can use to increase their sperm count. Shilajit has been used for many years to not only improve a man’s sperm count but to help with sex drive and to be able to last longer during sex. Shilajit can also be used as an anti-aging agent.

Ashwaghanda is another herb used to increase sperm count, sex drive, and to help men last longer during sex. Ashwaghanda can also be used as a pain killer and a health supplement.

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Kohinoor Gold is a variety of different herbs to help with the quality and quantity of a man’s sperm count. It can also be used for more energy and mental stability. The herbs in Kohinoor Gold include winter cherry, cowage, shatavari, Spanish pellitory, black musale, henbane, black bitumen, and saffron. All of these herbs can help increase sperm count, sex drive, energy, and mental stability.

Other Things You can do to Increase Sperm Count

The testicles need to be cool to produce good quality and quantity sperm count. Men who need to increase their sperm count should wear loose fitting boxers instead of underwear. Men should also stay out of hot tub’s because heat kills sperm.

Stress, worry, and strain are bad for sperm. Try to be as stress and worry free as possible if you are trying to increase your sperm count. It is not as easy to be stress free in this day and age but if you are trying to have a baby , it is important to remember to remain stress and worry free as much as possible.

Avoid drugs, alcohol, tobacco, processed foods, riding bikes, and too much sex. All of these can lower sperm count. If you are trying to have a baby, decrease sexual activity to one or two times a week. Too much ejaculation can lower sperm count and lower your chances of making a baby.

These are all natural ways to increase sperm count. For more information, visit the websites below.

Home Remedies

Herbal Remedies for Sperm Count