How to Diagnose Your Own Food Intolerances in 3 Easy Steps

Many people suffer with digestive distress due to some form of food intolerance. The problem with this is that it can be extremely difficult to discern exactly which foods are causing the trouble, since symptoms may be delayed after eating. Diagnosing your own food intolerances is not impossible, though. With just a few simple steps, you can discover which foods bother you, and take steps toward improving your health. While at first you may not like the ideas presented here, keep an open mind. Nobody likes to restrict their diet, but the restrictions required for diagnosing your food intolerances are only temporary, and the information you discover will lead you to a lifetime of better health and less digestive pain. So let’s discuss how to diagnose your food intolerances in 3 easy steps…

The initial step you need to take is to restrict your diet for four weeks. You will eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, wild game meats, and fish. In addition, you must eliminate all the foods you commonly eat, such as potatoes, apples, bananas, etc. You should also eliminate all grains and legumes. Though it is not a lot of fun, and you may feel some resistance to the idea, this is crucial because unless you first eliminate all foods that have even a possibility of negatively affecting you, you will never know which ones are truly the culprit. You should also avoid all artificial ingredients and additives, such as preservatives, colors, thickeners, etc. In short, eat only whole foods that actually occur in nature.

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Finish this task promptly, correctly and completely. This is really important. It it’s not done right, for whatever reason, then you will have wasted all that time, and you will need to go back and do the four weeks again. This is time that your digestive system needs to rest and recover.

Your second step is to add back individual foods into your diet, one at a time. Observe your systems carefully, and keep a record of any negative effects you experience. Make sure to avoid adding back more than one ingredient at a time, as this will not provide you the information you need. And you also will want to wait at least four days before adding each new ingredient, so you have time to adequately note your reactions.

The last step will be to test and observe as necessary throughout your life. This is really very important because food intolerances can change as your body ages. In order to keep your system in check, you will always need to keep a watchful eye. What is important to avoid is complacency. If you do not pay attention to the signals your body is giving you, you may eventually find that they have worsened, and possibly even developed into a more serious illness.

Just keep to the steps as specified and you should be well on your way to diagnosing your food intolerances easily and accurately. Just do the things specified and avoid the traps and problems as explained. Then once you have accurately diagnosed your food intolerances, you can make the right choices to insure you don’t suffer from digestive distress any longer.