How to Stop Picking Your Nose

Let’s be honest. Chances are, you’ve picked your nose. A study performed in 1995 reported that 91 percent of 254 respondents admitted to being nose pickers. This can range from the occasional probing wipe of the thumb to ‘gold digging,’ and frequency can be every couple days to once every hour. The only severe dangers are the risk of infection and the uncommon occurrence of perforating the membrane between the nasal cavity and the brain. Common as it is, nose picking has become a social stigma, a practice shuddered at even by the millions who do it every day. Between letting your brain leak out and ostracizing yourself, those sound like good reasons to stop. But there could be a more immediate reason to look at your ‘mucus fishing’ ways.

The reason why most people pick their nose is simple: there’s crud in there they want to get out. That crud is there because the body thinks it needs to be there. Mucus membranes are linked up with the lymphatic system, which protects us from viral and bacterial infection. On a normal day, mucus serves to keep the inner nasal area moist. When we get sick, the immune system goes into overdrive, which includes, you guessed it, producing more snot.

The solution to stop your nose picking ways could be hidden in solving whatever ails you. If you want to cut the habit down or get rid of it completely, here are a few tricks you can use to stop picking your nose and eliminate the problems that could be causing it in the first place.

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Stop Up the Sniffles

If you have more mucus than your body knows what to do with, there’s a chance that you are sick and don’t know it. Don’t laugh. Colds and influenza are not the only things that kick our immune defenses into gear. Allergies, food intolerances, toxins, and infections could trigger the mucus membranes. Try boosting your immune system. Drink green teas and pomegranate juice, both heavy in antioxidants, and look into herbal remedies like Echinacea. Get plenty of sleep and exercise. If you suspect something more sinister, consult your doctor.

A Lemon a Day Keeps the Finger Away

Slicing a lemon in half, putting one half in a glass of water, and squeezing the juice and pulp of the other into the concoction is a popular home remedy for snot-ridden colds. Lemons help balance out the metabolic system, as well as repress the constant production of mucus. Nice thing is, it’s not just a cure. It’s an excellent preventative measure when consumed once or twice a day. Make drinking lemon juice a daily habit, and the motive behind nose picking will start to disappear. You may even prevent yourself from getting sick in the future.

Inner Air Ducts Not Working? Check the Ones in Your Home

As stated above, snot is there to keep everything nice and moist. If you aren’t sick, you could be dried out. People at higher elevations need to pay special attention to this possibility, since humidity is hard to come by in places where the air gets thinner. Saline sprays are a cheap and easy way to help solve this problem. Investing in a humidifier is more expensive, but could be worth it, especially in the winter months. Check your ventilation system, and make sure the heating and air conditioning is set and working properly.

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Reduce What Comes Out By Changing What Goes In

Most choir directors warn their singers to never drink milk before a concert. It’s not a stage superstition. The cellular bonds present in milk actually encourage mucus production. There are many sugary and starch-based foods that encourage this reaction, including all dairy products, meat, wheat and flour, sugar, bananas, potatoes, and fats. Look at your diet. Maybe you can replace the odd hamburger with a salad, keep the meat lean and proportionate, and the dressing low in sugar. The switch could help more than just your weight management goals.

You Just Can’t Help It!

Less than 1 percent of the people polled in the study above reported that their nose picking habits interfered with their ability to function on a daily basis. While cases are few and far between, this is a condition called rhinotillexomania. Those diagnosed with this don’t have a bodily problem to solve, but one that may require psychotherapy. It is a recognized form of obsessive compulsion, and taken seriously for the health problems that it can cause. Look for a certified therapist in your area who specializes in counseling people with life-controlling habits, from OCD to smoking if you suspect you can’t stop on your own.

Get a Second Opinion

There can be legitimate medical reasons for picking your nose. That means you have every right to go see a doctor. Don’t be afraid you’ll be laughed at for wanting to cure a ‘nasty habit,’ your doctor should have your health interests at heart. Have him or her check your nasal passages for dryness, any injuries caused by your finger or nail, and get his or her opinion on what might help you break free of the nose picking cycle.

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