How to Conceive Twins

For a lot of women, giving birth to twins is a dream come true. Imagine one first day of kindergarten, one high school graduation, and one prom. That’s not even to mention the close and special bond that twin children share with one another. Women who have a family history of twins are more likely to have twins, but how does one conceive twins when it is not in her genes to do so? While there is not a medically proven way to conceive twins, there are a number of pregnancy myths which are believed to increase a woman’s chance of being able to get pregnant with two babies.

Age of Conception

One of the main factors which increases the chances of having twins is the age in which you conceive. Women who are over 35 are much more likely to conceive twins. However, it is important to keep in mind that it can be more difficult to get pregnant once you reach the age of 35, and getting pregnant later in life does pose the risk of miscarriage and the health of the baby.

Previous Births

Women who have already given birth to at least one child are more likely to have twins than those who are going through their first pregnancy. While you may not be able to plan for twins during your first pregnancy, you may be able to do so during your second or third. That being said, keep in mind that there are some women who have twins the first time that they get pregnant.

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Eating Yams

If you are trying to conceive twins, you may want to try adding yams to your diet. The Yoruba tribe in West Africa have five times the amount of twins than the rest of the world population. Researchers believe that the reason is because the people in this African community eat lots of yams. The specific type of Yams that you will want to be eating is Cassava, as this is what the people in West Africa eat. Whether or not there’s any truth to this myth, it could be worth a try if you’re trying to conceive twins!

Dairy and Protein

A study that was done by an obstetrician named Gary Steinman has shown that eating a diet which is high in dairy and protein can help increase your chances of having twins. The protein called Insulin-like Growth Factor could make conception of twins easier. The researcher said that because having twins poses more health risks for the mother, it is ideal to consider a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Taking folic acid prior to becoming pregnant increases a woman’s likelihood of having twins. According to, a study showed that women may have a 40% or greater chance of having twins by taking folic acid before conception. Folic acid is also beneficial in terms of having a healthy pregnancy, so it is best for any woman who is thinking about having a baby to take folic acid.

Fertility Assistance

Women who are having problems conceiving may consider seeing a fertility specialist. Fertility medications like Clomid and Pergonal, as well as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination, can increase your chances of conceiving twins. Keep in mind that some fertility assistance methods can also increase the chances of having multiples in sets of more than just two.

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Breastfeed reports that one study showed that women who were breastfeeding their first child when they conceived a baby were nine times more likely to give birth to twins. If you are still in the process of breastfeeding a child, you may want to continue doing so while trying to conceive twins.

Getting Pregnant off the Pill

There is a myth that getting pregnant during the first or second month that you are off the birth control pill can increase your chances of conceiving twins. The theory is that women who have recently gone off the birth control pill may begin releasing more eggs at once, since her body has not been ovulating for awhile.

*Remember that there is no surefire way to guarantee that you will have twins. Also keep in mind that the risk of health complications during pregnancy does increase when you have multiples. One or more of these myths may help increase your chances of conceiving twins, but it is important to determine if this is really what you want. Raising twins or multiple babies can be even more stressful than raising one child.


Just Mommies, “Natural Ways to Conceive Twins: How to Increase Your Chances of Conceiving Twins.

The Stir, a Cafe Mom Blog, “Trying for twins? Here’s How to Have Them.”

Dairy Reporter, “Dairy triggers higher chance of twins, study.”