How to Choose the Best Dog Shampoo for Your Dog’s Skin Type

When you shop for dog shampoos these days, you have a myriad of choices! It’s almost as confusing to choose a dog shampoo as it is a human one. This brings us to the first rule of selecting a dog shampoo. Never use a human shampoo on a dog. Human shampoo can lead to skin irritation in your dog. The most significant difference between dog shampoo and human shampoo is dog shampoo has a more acidic pH which is more appropriate for their particular skin. Here are some other guidelines for choosing the best dog shampoo for your dog”

1. Choose a dog shampoo based on your dog’s skin type.

You can find dog shampoos designed for dogs with dry, normal, or oily skin. It may be prudent to ask your vet what your dog’s particular skin type is so you can make the right choice.

3. Use and all natural dog shampoo.

If you see a wealth of synthetic ingredients with names that are difficult to pronounce on the label, opt for a different shampoo. A good choice might be an oatmeal based shampoo which tends to be less irritating to the skin.

4. Does your dog have a problem with fleas and ticks?

If so, you may want to consider a dog shampoo containing pyrethrins. If you choose this option, avoid getting it into your dog’s eyes or mouth during the bathing process. Also be sure to let your vet know your dog is using a shampoo with this ingredient since it can be toxic if ingested at high levels or if it interacts with other chemicals.

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5. Does your dog have a problem with itchy skin?

If your dog is scratching frequently, have your dog seen by a vet to rule out skin conditions requiring treatment as well as parasites. If your dog gets a clean bill of health, consider investing in a shampoo with aloe vera as it can help to relieve itchy, irritated skin. If your dog has a more serious problem with itching, choose a medicated dog shampoo or a shampoo with a low dose of hydrocortisone to alleviate the constant scratching. It may also be helpful to use a hypoallergenic shampoo to prevent aggravation of any skin allergies.

6. Go light on the scented shampoos.

The wonderful smells that humans find so pleasing can sometimes be irritating to your dog’s skin. Go light on the perfumes and be sure to read the label to make sure none of the ingredients will be irritating to your dog’s skin.

9. Make sure the shampoo goes on your dog’s fur not into his mouth.

Be sure to store all dog shampoos, particularly flea shampoos and medicated shampoos in a safe place away from your dog.

10. Thoroughly rinse all shampoo from your dog’s coat.

Any residual shampoo left on your dog’s skin can cause skin irritation. You’ve probably concluded by now that many dogs have sensitive skin!

11. Never let dog shampoo get into your dog’s eyes.

For obvious reasons, keep all dog shampoo away from your dog’s eyes, particularly medicated and flea shampoos.

Follow these guidelines for choosing the best dog shampoo and you’ll have a happy dog who comes out smelling like a rose!