How to Litter Box Train Your Hamster

Hamsters are great pets and contrary to popular belief, they can be very clean. No matter your hamster’s age, it’s never too late to train them to use the litter box just like a cat. Unfortunately this type of litter box training doesn’t work for the bowel movement, but rather the bladder movement. The reason for that is, hamsters will poop wherever they please, even in the wild. When a hamster goes to pee, it’s always in the same place.

There are countless benefits to litter box training your hamster. One big one is, your friends and family members won’t even know you have a pet, because the smell will be gone. It will save you cleaning up your hamster’s cage all the time because of the odor and mess.

If you take a good look at your hamster’s cage, new or old you will discover the corner your pet has selected for its bathroom. That is the location you will want to place a litter box at. It’s as simple as that. You watch your hamster’s habits and place it where they go. Over time, if you wish to move it to another location you can. Your hamster will go in the litter box where ever it’s place after adapting to the change of a box instead of the cage.

There are several types and styles of bathrooms you can select from for your hamster. Mine like the “Little John Hi-Corner Litter Pan” found on, E-bay or even your local pet shop. The reason I mention this one is, it fits perfectly in the corner of the cage, and can be tied to the bars. Other style bathrooms are like little rooms. My thoughts on this is, that has to confuse a hamster into thinking they can pee in any room of their cage that’s styled like the potty.

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Though pet shops will confuse you into thinking you need special litter box filling for your hamster, don’t be fooled. Tidy Cats works perfectly. I have tried other styles, and types of litter box filling, but Tidy Cats works best because it’s small and sand like. The larger rocks, the hamsters try to eat, and I fear that will make them sick so stay clear of generic.

Tips on cost: If you can’t afford the extra cost of purchasing a litter box for your hamster, glass ash trays work wonders. You don’t want to place a plastic cigarette ash tray in your hamsters cage, because depending on the style plastic they could get hurt, or could end up eating it.

If you can’t afford Tidy Cat, call their 1-800 number and ask for a coupon or free sample. 1 -800-835-6369 for Tidy Cats, their website is Samples or coupons should also be linked there.

It will take practice as to how much you fill the potty up with litter. If you over fill it, or fill it too much, your hamster will make a mess of things. Too little and you will still have odor problems.

Be sure to clean your hamsters litter box at least once a week by either starting a new or scooping out the bad.

I would like to mention that I haven’t had any success in training Dwarf hamsters, partly because they don’t go to the bathroom in corners, but I still have one placed in their cage, maybe over time it will work.