How to Cheaply Brighten Up a Dark Bedroom

Your home is warm and inviting, the family room gathers compliments from everyone that visits your house, but you dread even going into your bedroom. Bedrooms can be one of the last places that we tackle for decorating. Since it is private and only you see it, it’s easy to leave our bedroom for last and to spend our scarce re-decorating dollars in the more public rooms of your home.

Well, it is time to think about that dark bedroom that needs a facelift without breaking the bank of your family. There are lots of ideas that you can use that will warm up that space and make you want to spend more time in your bedroom. Start with the basics, natural light is your best cheap light source.

Does the room have windows? If it does, then you need to take down any heavy draperies and let in all that natural light into the bedroom. Wash the windows inside and out to get maximum light. Go here to purchase airy sheers for your bedroom windows and get blinds that can hang behind to sheers to block most light if you want to sleep in.

And one more thing about the windows, trim any trees or bushes that may be located outside the window that block all that natural light that you want streaming into the room.

After the windows are letting in light it’s time to look at the floors. Dark ugly carpet might be hiding great hardwood floors in older homes. If it is, then rip up that dark old carpet and let those great floors show. If the carpet can’t be removed then go here for great cheap rugs that you can lay down over the dark carpet to help lighten the room.

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How are the walls decorated currently in your bedroom? If old wallpaper is staring at you, then tear it down. Or if it is dark paint then select a light and bright color that will reflect light. Go here to see great paint colors to select from. You want the paint to have a lot of luminosity, that means it will reflect the light, not absorb it. Check the paint chips at the store to see if it has an LRV (light reflectance value) rating, the paint will reflect more light the higher the rating score. Remember not to be afraid of a white room, they can be beautiful and warm, read here for tips on decorating a white room.

Now look at the accessories for your room including the lighting. You need both general lighting and task lighting, this creates an effect called layering. If you like to read or do needlepoint you will need excellent task lighting in your bedroom for those activities. More general lighting might be an overhead light in the room. For great prices on all your lighting needs for the room try here.

Final touches in the room should include new lightly colored bed linens. There are great sheet sets and comforters available online at Smart Bargains. Select colors that compliment the new light, airy feeling of your bedroom. Mirrors are another great addition in your bedroom. Hang mirrors on walls that are opposite your windows, that way the mirror will reflect all that great natural light.

Follow these tips and it will result in a light-filled bedroom that is warming and that will welcome you into your personal haven, away from the world.