How to Bulk Up in Chest and Arms Quickly

Great workout routines that Olympians use

I was reading a statistic the other day that close to 60 percent of Americans are obese and that even more Americans fall into the category of being overweight. Now you might not look at me and call me a gym rat, but in about 2 years I have gained close to 20 pounds of muscle. I went from being a skinny guy to a leaner, more muscular person. By using these varies workout routines that I have done through Men’s Health Magazines, Fitness Magazines, and personal trainers, you too can slim down or bulk up.

For the Arms:
By far the greatest arm exercise that I have found to do that helps in gaining muscle mass in your arm is called the Zotman Curl. In order to do the Zotman Curl, you will need to get to a gym and use a bench that has a flexible angle range. Put the bench on a 45 degree angle so that you back is being angled backwards on a 45 degree angle. By doing this, you isolate your back and forces you to only use the muscle in your arms. Many people who do other arm routines cheat by using their back or by using their back to gain momentum and perform the arm routine. The Zotman Curl only uses your arms and you will see more of an improvement. Ok, now that you have the correct angle, you want to do a bicep curl but make sure that you lower your arms all the way using an underhand dumbbell grip. Once you get to the top of the curl, twist your wrist so that you turn the dumbbell 180 degrees. This forces you to use your triceps muscle. Now, hold the dumbbells slightly above your shoulders for a three second count. You will feel some pain in your shoulders which is fine. After those three seconds, lower the dumbbells back down to your side using the overhand grip, furthering the use of your triceps. Ideally, you want to do 5-7 repetitions in one set and do between 3 to 4 sets. By the time you are done with this exercise you will feel that your arms are bulging out of their socket which is a great feeling to have. To improve your results you want to do a Zotman Curl session 3 times a week.

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Another great routine to do for your arms, is to do chin-ups and dips. You should do three sets of about 5 or more chip-ups and do the same amount of dips. Alternate these two exercises one after another after each set is done and rest for 60 second intervals in between. Perform 3 to 4 sets of each.

Next, alternate sets of the bench press using a narrow grip with your hands on the barbell. This will force you to use more of your arms and bicep muscles that your chest muscles. Alternate one set at a time with the barbell bicep curl. Ideally, you would like to do 3 to 4 sets of each between 6 to 8 reps of each.

For Chest:

Most guys that I know want to concentrate and bulk up particularly in the chest because women find it attractive. The best routine I think is the bench press which is done lying flat on your back. I suggest doing both the dumbbell bench press and the barbell bench press. Do between 3 to 4 sets of each on a weight that is slightly more than your average. This will have you do fewer repetitions but it will also allow you to gain muscle mass faster.

The open fly is also another great exercise. Use dumbbells that are lower than your average for bicep curls. Lie flat on your back and extend your arms outward with the weights. This will put a lot of pressure on your triceps, shoulders and chest. Then, bring the weights back into your body. Do between 5 to 7 of these for 4 sets.

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Finally, the cable pull is another difficult exercise to perform. For this, you need to be at a gym and grab two cable pulls with weights from a machine. Stand in the middle of the two weights and grab each cable bar with each hand. Extend your arms forward and pull the cables into your chest. This will be painful but well worth the reward.