How to Build and Use a Ouija Board

The Ouija board, or as some call it the “wee-gee” board has been around since the 1800’s. During the late 1800’s, and into the 1900’s the Ouija board made it around the world being sold as a novelty item. However, history dates similar boards, and devices used for communicating with the dead as far back as 1200 B.C. Ouija boards are used to help communicate with spirits, which some refer to as a seance. Currently you can purchase Ouija boards at almost any toy store in the game department. Are they safe for children? While some people believe that the Ouija board doesn’t work, others fear it for good reason. Scientifically the Ouija board can not be proven to either work or not. But how could a board, and a planchette stay popular all these years, if it just didn’t work?

The best Ouija board you can own is one you make yourself. Your board, and planchette should be made out of wood. A planchette is the piece you use to communicate with. It should be a tear shape, no larger the 6″ long X 4″ wide. It really doesn’t matter what shape it is, or the size, but the tear shape with these measurements are the easiest to read. If it is to large you will not have room on the board for it to more, and if it is to small you will not have room for your fingers. Your Ouija board should be small enough to set in your lap, yet large enough to apply all the necessary lettering. At the top left hand corner you will need the word” Yes” and the word “No” will be in the top right corner. In middle of the board you will need the entire alphabet in one straight line. By curving the alphabet like a rainbow the letters will fit better. Under the alphabet you will need to put the numbers 1 – 0. The the bottom of the board, in the middle you will need the word “Goodbye”. The shape of your board doesn’t matter, and you can add personal designs of your likings. The Ouija board should be sanded, and a coat of polyurethane applied. The planchette will also need felt on the bottom of it. The combination of the polyurethane and the felt will allow the planchette to move more easily around the board.

See also  How to Conduct a Seance

The best time to use your Ouija board is at night when there is less interference in the atmosphere. You should never use a Ouija board alone! For the best results you should use your Ouija board in the dark, with a white candle lit. Make sure there is no background noise such as a television, or radio playing. You should also only use the Ouija board when you sober. The ideal setting is a male and female couple. You will need to set facing one another, with your knee’s touching. The board should rest in your lap. Both of you should have 2 fingers on the planchette at all times. Now take a deep breath and clear your mind. Once you are relaxed move the planchette in a circular motion on the board, and start to ask questions. The questions you will want to ask are as follows:

1. Is there anyone here who would like to communicate?
2. Are you a good spirit?
3. What is your name?
4. How old are you?
5. When did you die?
6. How did you die?
7. I have to go now, can I communicate with you latter?

Then move the plachette to goodbye, and say goodbye. You will always need to move the plachette to goodbye and say goodbye before leaving the board, this is very important. If you do not, the the spirit can remain in your home, and not all spirits are good. Remember, even spirits can lie, that is why you need to research the answers you were given, before communicating with the spirit to long. In short, make sure their story checks out. Always move the plachette to goodbye, and say “goodbye” it at any time the words evil, die, demon, or words of this nature are spelled out. When you are using the Ouija board try to be patient, and polite, some of the words might be spelled wrong. Do not ask for physical signs. Do not ask stupid questions such as “when am I going to die”.

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The Ouija board is for communicating with spirits. I do not think that children should play with a Ouija board, simply because their innocence can get them in trouble. The Ouija board should be take serious, and only used by those who are willing, and want to communicate with spirits. If at anytime you get scared, move the plachette to goodbye, say “goodbye” and put the board away. Remember you are in control.