How to Build a Sand Pit

Building a sand pit is an exciting fun object for little kids of any age to enjoy from day to day during free outside time. Even Adults can enjoy a sand pit if it so suits their child within. There isn’t much to building a sand pit for your kids but it can be quite a job if you take the proper steps to make one.

Summer is just around the corner so why not have something fun to do during the great season. If you don’t have a beach near you, simply bring the beach to you.

The steps in order to create your very first sand pit are listed below along with all of the proper tools that you will need in order to go through with the whole process of building the sand pit.

Materials needed for this project:

One: You are going to need a shovel to do the digging if you don’t have a backhoe or some similar digging device to dig the actual pit where you will be building at.

Two: You are going to need approximately eighteen 2 X4s’ equaling out to be an an approximate width of about six feet when put side by side.

Three: You will need roughly 2 lbs. of large head nails to connect your boards together. They will need to be at least 1 1/2 to 2 inches long.

Four: You will need to have eight 4X 4s’. Four of these need to be cut to 8 feet in length for the length of the project and four of these need to be cut to 5 feet in length for the width of the project.

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Five: You will need a piece of heavy duty 4 ply or heavier piece of clear or black plastic to cover the sand pit. The piece of plastic needs to be approximately 7 feet in width and 9 feet in length. You can piece two pieces of plastic together if need be.

Six: You will need you will need 8 L brackets in order to connect your 4 X 4s’ together.

The first step in oder to make your sand pit is to find a good location around your home that is suitable for your sand pit. You will want to find a surface that is relatively level in all aspects unless if you’re just wanting a slope so that your sand is going to be higher in one area than the other but there is really no sense in this.

You then are going to need a shovel to dig your pit if you don’t have a backhoe or some similar machine to do the job for you. You will need to dig the pit approximately 8 inches deep, 6 feet in width and 8 feet in length.

Next step is to connect your eight 4 X 4s’ together using the L brackets. You will connect each of the 4 X 4s’ that are cut with a length of 8 feet long to a 4 X 4 that is the length of 6 foot long. You will do this with all eight pieces. Just be sure to connect one length to a different length board and not to the same length board. Once finished, you should wind up with two rectangles measuring out to be 6 X 8 feet. You then will insert these rectangles down into your pit that you have made into the ground stacked one on top of the other. Just lay your first rectangle border down into the ground and then insert your second rectangle border on top of the first one that you inserted.

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You will then lay down all of your 2 X 4s’ down into your rectangular frame as to fill up the area for the floor. No nails are necessary to do this unless you want to take the extra time to nail them to the frame before putting the frame down into the ground that you dug up. ( If you are to nail your boards onto the frame, you will need at least 8

inches of extra length to your 2 X 4s’ in order to make them make them lay onto the frame to nail them down and you will also need two extra 2 X 4 boards the same length as the others to make the floor stretch all the way across the bottom of your frame.

Next. You will then lay down you plastic on top of the 2 X 4s’ in order to cover up the boards if you so wish and nail down the plastic to the tops of the 4 X 4s’. You can also do this process by laying down the plastic straight on top of the ground before laying down your frame as to not have the frame resting on soil if you wish. It can be done two different ways.

The last step is to then fill up your sand pit with sand all the way to the top if you wish or just a bit from the top.

I hope these steps help you build your very first sand pit and I hope that these are easy and fun steps to follow.

You then enjoy your newly built sand pit and have fun.