How DHA Benefits Your Body

Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil, is an essential fatty acid to our own bodies. It is the primary building block of the brain and the eyes, and has multiple other functions in your body. DHA has also been linked with memory, vision, cardiovascular health, and controlling cholesterol. Your body does not produce DHA, so you need to obtain it from your diet. It naturally occurs in fish oils. Please make sure if you are going to take a supplement that it is pharmaceutical grade, and please obtain it from a reputable source. High quality fish oil supplements will not contain the mercury and PCBs that are a concern with eating fish. This article is intended to summarize some of the major benefits of DHA to your body, but should not be taken as medical advice.

• Pregnancy and Childhood Benefits of DHA

DHA is necessary for the building of a baby’s brain, nervous system and eyes. A baby in utero needs to get DHA from his or her mother, and newborns need to receive it from breast milk or formula supplemented with DHA. (“DHA in Pregnancy: Should You Supplement?”) DHA is also important for the mom-to-be as well. Research shows that babies whose diets include a wealth of essential fats as well as infants born to mothers whose diets contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids seem to have an edge in early development. (“Pregnant? Omega-3 Essential for Baby’s Brain”) Your baby needs this for his brain and eyes, do you really need to know anything else?

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• Healthy Nervous System Benefits

DHA is a major structural component of the brain and nervous system – it is the most abundant omega 3 fatty acid in the brain. DHA is necessary for healthy communication between the brain and nervous system, and when your brain lacks DHA, the system starts to break down. (“Get Omega 3 Fish Oil (Starring DHA and EPA) for a Healthy Brain”) DHA as a supplement can also contribute to improving memory. According to a recent study from Martek Biosciences, daily supplementation with DHA may improve memory function. The results of their random, double blind survey done on almost 500 people noted that healthy people who took DHA supplements for six months had almost double the reduction in errors on a test that measures learning and memory performance. (“Omega-3 DHA Boost Memory for Healthy Adults, Not Alzheimer’s Sufferers”) Healthy brain communication and improved memory function, not too bad for one supplement.

• Cholesterol Benefits and Cardiovascular Health

The higher your LDL cholesterol level (your “bad” cholesterol level, that is), the higher your risk of heart attack and stroke. Conversely, the higher your level of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, the lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. So anything that helps to lower your LDL or raise your HDL must be good, right? Some studies have shown that volunteers on a DHA-enriched regimen showed an increase in HDL cholesterol, the kind that protects your heart against heart disease, as well as a reduction in triglyceride levels (a high level of triglycerides may increase your risk of heart disease). (“DHA Lowers Blood Triglycerides in Diet Study”) Pretty good news, right?

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In a separate study, volunteers who took DHA on a regular basis achieved lower levels of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol), thereby decreasing their risk of heart attack and stroke. (“Understanding How DHA Benefits the Body”) DHA has also been shown to contribute to a healthy resting heart rate as well as a normal blood pressure. (“DHA Benefits for Cardiovascular Health”) Low LDL, high HDL, lower triglycerides and a healthy resting heart rate – all good news thanks to DHA.

I hope you found this information helpful in explaining the benefits of DHA to your body. For smarter babies, better memory and a lower risk of heart attacks, DHA seems like the way to go. But again, please don’t take this article as medical advice.

Source List

Author: Catherine Holecko

Page Title: DHA in Pregnancy: Should You Supplement

Site title:

Author: Salynn Boyles

Page Title: “Pregnant? Omega-3 Essential for Baby’s Brain”

Site Title:

Author: No author listed

Page Title: “Get Omega 3 Fish Oil (Starring DHA and EPA) for a Healthy Brain”

Site Title:

Author: Gary Nelson, Darshan Kelley

Page Title: “DHA Lowers Blood Triglycerides in Diet Study”

Site Title:

Author: No author listed

Page Title: “DHA Benefits – Understanding How DHA Benefits the Body”

Site Title:

Author: No author listed

Page Title: “DHA Advantage. DHA Benefits for Cardiovascular Health”

Site Title: