Homemade Coupons for Everyone

You can make homemade coupons for everyone on your list. This article includes homemade coupon ideas for several different gift recipients. To make these homemade coupons all you need to do is type up the message in a word processing program and add a clip art image to make the homemade coupon even more special.

Homemade Coupons for Kids

1. Stay Up Late: This is a homemade coupon that little kids will love, especially when one of their favorite shows has a marathon.

2. Skip Taking Out the Trash: Kids hate to take out the trash so they will love this homemade coupon. Just don’t be surprised if they use this homemade coupon as soon as possible.

3. Pizza Night: Kids love pizza and would eat it everyday if you would let them. This homemade coupon will allow them to request pizza at any time. To shake things up have a disclaimer that says that they have to prepare the pizza themselves.

4. Movie Night: Kids hate to watch the news. This coupon will allow them to watch movies all night whenever they choose or to go and see a movie that has just came out.

5. $20 Free: If you are short on funds this Christmas, make a homemade coupon that says that they will get $20 free whenever they want. Put dates on the coupon for when they can cash in the coupon.

Homemade Coupons for Teens

1. Stay Out Late: Teens are always wanting to stay out late. This coupon will allow them to stay out late once. Be sure to have a disclaimer saying that they cannot stay out late on a school night.

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2. Skip School: What kid wants to go to school? Teens will be very happy to receive this homemade coupon, just make sure to have a disclaimer that says they cannot skip school on a day when they are supposed to have a test.

3. Go Out with Friends: Teens can use this homemade coupon on nights when you have something planned for home.

4. One Rebellious Act: They can get their nose pierced, etc. Please remember to put on there that it cannot be an illegal act.

5. R-Rated Movie: This is great for younger teens who may want to see a movie that has been rated R for some stupid reason. I would include a disclaimer that says the movie cannot be too violent or contain sexual content.

Homemade Coupons for Coworkers

1. Company Event: This homemade coupon will allow coworkers to get out of doing something for a company event, such as baking.

2. Help with a Project: Sometimes working on a project by yourself can be daunting. This homemade coupon will allow coworkers to request help at anytime.

3. Snacks: This coupon will allow coworkers to request you to bring in homemade snacks whenever they request it.

4. Free Lunch: You can give this homemade coupon to coworkers with a disclaimer that says they must turn it in the day before they want the free lunch and then you will prepare them a homemade lunch.

5. Someone to Rant to: Coworkers always need someone to rant to. This homemade coupon will allow them to rant without having to worry about you going off and telling everyone about it.

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Homemade Coupons for Neighbors

1. Mowed Lawn: Your neighbors will love this homemade coupon. No one wants to mow their lawn.

2. Help with Home Improvement Project: There may come a time when your neighbor starts a project that they need help with.

3. Baby or Pet Sit: Your neighbors may want to go on a trip or just out on date. This homemade coupon will allow them to go out without having to worry about their children or pets.

4. House Sit: If your neighbors are going on a long trip they will want someone reliable to watch their home while they are gone.

5. Help with Kid Stuff: Sometimes your neighbor probably becomes overwhelmed with all the stuff they have to do for their kids. This homemade coupon offers your help during those difficult times.

Home Coupons for Your Partner

1. Free Massage: What partner wouldn’t love this homemade coupon?

2. Free Movie Night: Allow your partner to watch all the movies they want to.

3. Favorite Meal: This homemade coupon allows them to request you to cook them their favorite meal.

4. Family Event: This homemade coupon will allow your partner to get out of family event. Don’t be surprised if they use it for their own family event.

5. Favorite Restaurant: There may be a restaurant that your partner loves, but you hate. This homemade coupon allows them to go to their favorite restaurant whenever they want.
