Grocery Store Items Comparable to Nutrisystem

Nutrisystem is clearly portion control, low sugar, low calorie. High protein / high fiber. There is no secret to it just self discipline. The little packet of pancake mix they offer is no different than bisquick with 3 Tablespoon. flax meal (ground flaxseed) or wheat germ & 1/4 cup soy flour in place 1/4c. of the bisquick( or any boxed pancake, cake, muffin mix or recipe).

For example, Pancake recipes that call for 1 c. flour just make it 3/4 c. & add 1/4 c. soy= 1 cup flour called for. The key is low sugar, high fiber/ protein in all you eat.

Kashi Very Vanilla Oatmeal (walmart & most supermarkets) cost the same as 1 pkt. of Nutrisystem and just as nutritional.

If you like to bake substitute soy flour & wheatgerm into your cake recipe, cookie recipe or pancake mix & you’ll have the protein you need & the dessert, cookie or cake Nutrisystem offers; add flax meal (ground flaxseed) to boost heart healthy nutrients, omegas and fiber to any recipe or cereal. Make a whole batch of the pancakes. Enjoy 3 pancakes per breakfast. Freeze the rest. Make & freeze the cookies, cupcakes, pancakes & u have a whole batch ready to grab on the go, for the price of one Nutrisystem meal.

Self-discipline is what makes or breaks any weight loss program. Basically, you need to change your behavior making it a life change not a 3 or 4 week change. For one week write down everything you put in your mouth. Then review & revise; see what you can modify. When stressed deep breathe, do some stretches, tighten abs/glutes while sitting at the desk; sit up straight. Stress and mindless eating is a culprit to overeating, and choosing foods with empty calories make us hungry an hour later. Fiber and protein keep us full.

See also  Flaxseed for Lowering Cholesterol

We drain our body of B’s & C’s when stressed so take/drink EmergenC*. Replenish the body 2x daily as these vitamins are water soluble & used up by midday & flushed out as we drink our tea, water, etc.

Some foods that are easily substituted for Nutrisystem items:

Nutri pizza sells for $5.09, 3 ounces. Lean Cuisine pizza $2.50 6 oz.

Biscotti is pricey; again, you can make you own in 1 hour & have a batch for weeks. Any simple biscotti recipe substituting 1/4 cup of the flour with soy flour & add 1/4 c. wheat germ/flax. Again, that increases fiber and protein. They store well; enjoy your homemade snacks for pennies, for weeks and for the entire family.



BREAKFAST (chose one serving) :

Kashi Oatmeal (8 pkts per box costs the same as one Nutrisystem packet)

any pancake mix or recipe w/soy flour and /or wheatgerm added

2 fresh eggs cooked w/Pam (not butter or marg) any way you like, seasoned

Kashi Flakes 1 c. = Nutrisystem’s 1/2 c. serving

Trader Joe’s High Fiber Almond Vanilla Cereal

South Beach Granola Bar, Kashi granola bar, Fiber One Granola Bar

Add an apple or cantaloupe, yogurt (sugar free) or glass of skim milk with each breakfast. Salad with spritzer type dressing w/lunch dinner. Eat a fruit/salad/dairy 1/2 c. w/each meal. 1 snack or between meals. Don’t eat 3 hours before bed.

LUNCH/DINNER: (eat one choice below under 300, with salad and spritzer dressing)

Hormel Turkey Chili 1/2 c. on a tortilla w/salsa (you may add 1/2 c. black beans if you like )

See also  Secret Ingredients to Enrich Your Pancake Mix with Nutrients

Lean Cuisine Pizza

A fresh baked 100% potato sprinkle Parmesan (100 % potato, all natural) Prick with fork, Micro 3-4 min. DONE

Lean Cuisine Dinners/Entrees

South Beach Entrees

Healthy Choice Soups & frozen entrees

SNACKS: (chose one serving under 160 calories)

Nabisco Garden Chips (cracker isle)

Kashi GoLean ROLL or GoLean Crunchy …..deeeeelicious!

Kashi 100 cal. Granola Bars, South Beach Granola Bars

Fiber One Granola Bars; Soyjoy Bar (like biscotti)

GenSoy Soy Chips variety of flavors

Kellogg’s All Bran Herb Crackers

Herr’s Wholegrain Pretzel Sticks

Herr’s Multi Grain Dippers Tortilla Chips

Snyder’s Multi Grain Pretzel Sticks

REMEMBER: People lose weight on Nutrisystem not because the food is special BUT because they are small portions with low sugar/ high protein/fiber. If you eat each food group, in portions the size of your fist, just 4 x a day you will lose weight. To accelerate weight loss, deep breathe throughout the day, drink distilled water, do stretches, walk, don’t eat 3 hrs. before bed. It is a brand new day to get it right!!! Go for it!

Again, it is potion control. Behavior modification, you can change you.

Chew slowly, enjoy each bite.

You don’t have to eat the entire thing at once. Protein bar, bag of snacks…

Chewing peppermint gum between meals; numbs taste buds.

Get into a ritual of deep breathing.

Drink 3 cups fresh brewed green tea for maximum health benefits!

EmergenC 2x daily, it is delicious between meals, hot or cold, day or night!

At bedtime your thoughts have a powerful effect so think positive affirmations:

I am grateful

I am healthy

I am organized

I am my ideal weight

I am kind & helpful, I am pleasant, joyful, talented, unique

I make good choices

I am resourceful

Prosperous, Generous, add positives daily!

See also  Frugal Tips: 50 Ways to Save Money

….confessing in-the-present, affirmations replace subconscious negative thoughts with positive has a powerful effect our every day life. It is the negative thoughts that keep us in a rut. Replace those – with + .

Don’t think about yesterday it is gone; don’t think about tomorrow it never comes; be in the moment; this moment! All is well right this moment.

We can all handle this. No worries in the moment!

Only you have the power to change YOU!

Confess that you are what you want to be and you shall be it.

There is a saying in the corporate world; Fake it ’til you make it!

YOU CAN DO IT and do it with a SMILE!

Discount coupons, motivations, inspirations, samples: Sample of Different Flavors

Integrated Energy Therapies suggest repeating positive statements that replace negative thoughts which often lead us to failure. To be successful in any realm we must act successful; they say ‘fake it til you make it ‘.

So repeat after me: I have self-control. I am my ideal weight. I am organized. I make good choices. I am generous. I am calm. I am patient (with myself included). I am grateful!!! Make this a habit, takes 30 days.

Positive affirmations at bedtime and upon arising will get your subconscious helping you lose weight and improve other areas of your life. These affirmations will replace thoughts of worry, doubts and fear!

You are the best!!! YOU CAN DO IT! Take care of you!