Home Remedies for Dry Cough

Dry cough is without phlegm and there are number of causes of dry cough but rapid change of temperature is one of the common causes.

Dry coughs can be caused by allergies to irritants like dust, smoke, pollen, freshly cut grass, pets and certain plants, cleaning agents, room deodorizers and chemical fumes. It can also be due to smoking, asthma, any foreign matter, pollution, or may come after a sore throat. Another common cause of dry cough can be a climate-controlled building. Chronic coughing, sneezing and a runny nose are the common results of working in a climate-controlled building.


GINGER If you can eat ginger raw then this is the best medicine for dry cough. Peel a small piece of fresh ginger and add some salt to it. Chew the ginger for as long as you can to get relief from the dry cough.

And if you can’t eat raw ginger directly then mix dry ginger, sugar and black pepper in equal parts and take it with butter twice daily. If this is also difficult then just extract the juice of ginger and mix it with honey. Take this 3-4 times a day for quick relief from coughing.

Increase ginger intake by drinking ginger tea. You can prepare ginger tea easily by adding ginger slices to the boiling water before you add tea leaves. Drink hot tea to sooth your throat.

SALT AND WATER Take some lukewarm water and add some salt to it. Use this water to gargle. Doing Gargles is the most common and effective treatment for dry cough.

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HONEY the golden wonder honey can be used as a great remedy for dry cough. Drink hot milk with some honey in the night before going to bed. This will help to give instant relief from dry cough and also help to have a sound sleep. In the day time add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of boiling water and drink number of times. This will help to soothe the throat to a great deal.

TURMERIC Turmeric has splendid natural antiseptic properties and can help to fight against dry cough. Take one gram of turmeric powder and mix it with a teaspoon of honey. Take this 3 times a day and dry cough will vanish away quickly.

ALMONDS Soak five to six almonds in water overnight. In the morning peel the almonds skin and grind the almonds to a fine paste. Add a few grains of sugar to this paste and eat this mix. It’s a time tested home remedy for dry cough.

The other things to keep in mind while suffering from dry cough are that always elevate your head with extra pillows at night to ease dry cough. Quit smoking and do not use other forms of tobacco, especially while you have a cough.

Hope these household remedies will help you to fight against dry cough.