Holiday Party Office Games

Holiday office parties can be a blast for everyone. The key is to have games that gets everyone involved, without embarrassing anyone. This article will give you three good games to play. These three games are great for individuals of different ages and of the opposite sex.

Game Number One. Trivia Pursuit, with a Christmas Carol. (Men versus Women). You can either use a regular game of Trivia Pursuit or you can have a person, not attending your party, make a set of thirty questions. They can make them on note cards. The question on one side and the answer on the back side. Roll a set of dice to see who goes first. There is only one answer allowed. If the answer is guessed right, no Christmas Carol is required. However, if the answer is the wrong one, A song must be sung by the losing group, as a whole. The game continues, until all questions are finished.

Game Number Two. Steal from your Neighbor. Each member brings a $10 to $20 gift with them that must be wrapped. It should be a unisex gift. Each person writes their name on a card and folds it twice. The name is thrown into a hat. As a name is drawn, that person selects a gift. The first person must open the gift and hold it. The second person selects a gift, but doesn’t open it. They can steal from the first person or open their gift. The same holds for the third and so on. After the last person has made their decision, the first person can go again.

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Now, a coin is flipped and the person calls heads or tails. If they guess correctly, they can steal. If they guess wrong they can’t. This goes all the way through one time, to give each person a fair final chance. Don’t forget, player number one gets the final coin flip of the party.

Game Number Three. Pop the Balloon. In this game, an exchange gift is brought by each individual. A balloon has a two numbers inside them. One for each gift. Blow up and tie the balloon. Draw names between any two individuals. Together, they must pop the balloon by using only their chest or belly. The balloon is placed between the two. They are timed to see how long it takes. Don’t be surprised, if this takes awhile. Record their times. Then, have them select the gifts, that were numbered in their balloons. Have them open their gifts. Now use the first five best times. These Five winning couples can steal/trade their gift for somebody else’s.

These three office games are for fun. Make sure that all participants understand the rules, of each game clearly. This will help avoid confusion and even frustration.

Finally, be open for suggestions, from your guests, to change and improve any of these three games.