Herbs and Supplements that Reduce Cortisol and Increase Testosterone

In my last article I addressed the subject of elevated Cortisol and its relationship to Testosterone in the female hormonal system. To review, elevated Cortisol production reduces Testosterone levels. This results in an imbalance which causes many symptoms including weight gain and especially weight gain in the stomach.

You learned in that article that stress reduction, proper sleep, a nutritious whole food diet, caffeine reduction, exercise, and sufficient water all help to reduce Cortisol production and increase Testosterone levels. I am often asked if there are any herbs or supplements that help reduce Cortisol production?

This article is based on current research and double blind studies. Most of these studies were performed in Europe not the United States. The FDA and AMA does not accept research studies from most foreign governments. Billions of dollars in quality, double blind research clinical studies have been done in Europe, China, and Japan on herbs and supplements , but the research is not accepted here.

Magnolia Bark: Magnolia Officinalis is used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Chinese physicians use it to treat stomach problems brought on by stress. It contains two compounds that combat stress and therefore help lower Cortisol production. Magnolia Bark is used in several Japanese herbal medicines including Saiboku-to and Hange-kobuku-to, used to treat many disorders including depression and anxiety. Research indicates that it is most effective at reducing stress and anxiety, with only some effect on actual evening Cortisol reduction. A note here is that Cortisol production is greater in the morning than in the evening.

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Theanine: An amino acid found in green tea. Theanine is not found in green tea where it has been decaffeinated. Theanine helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It is relaxing without causing drowsiness. It is helpful for insomnia. It helps to lower Cortisol by its affect on reducing stress and anxiety.

Epimedium: (Horny Goat Weed) : Medicinal herb dating back to 400 AD. Chinese physicians use it to treat impotence, low libido,as a rejuvenating tonic, and reproductive tonic. It also has the effect of dilating the blood vessels, so is used by some physicians to treat coronary heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, and as a expectorant. It is classed as a Adaptogen which means it helps to normalize organ functions. Most imbalances and disease states are caused from organs and body systems either over functioning or under-functioning. Research has also shown that Epimedium has an effect of normalizing Testosterone and thyroid hormone production. The administration of Epimedium extract lowered Cortisol levels, improved immune function, and slowed bone loss. The safest form of this herb is water-extracted epimedium drunk as in a tea. This herb used in a concentrated form can cause over stimulation so be aware of that.

Phosphatidylserine: A phospholipid found in our own brain cells naturally. It is also found in all cell membranes as well. Its main role is in brain-cell function, muscle metabolism, and immune-system function. Phosphatidylserine is used in formulas to stimulate mental performance and memory. It is also been shown to help athletes recover from intensive exercise and slow muscle loss. Recently research from Italy has proven that Phosphatidylserine taken in doses of 400 to 600mg per day reduce Cortisol levels after exercise by 15 to 30 percent. Phosphatidylserine is also useful for stress reduction as well. This supplement is expensive so is not a good pick for those on a budget.

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Phosphatidylserine has been the focus of numerous European double blind studies. European physicians are using it successfully to treat Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and mental decline. It does have the effect of thinning the blood so individuals taking prescription blood thinners should beware and seek the advise and supervision of a holistic doctor.

Phytosterols: Nuts and seeds contain the highest amounts of phytosterols. Many fruits and vegetables contain phytosterols as well but in a lesser degree. Phytosterols support immune function, have an effect on reducing inflammation and pain. In athletic performance, they have been shown to reduce Cortisol levels, support DHEA levels, and support immune function. Animal studies have shown their ability to reduce breast cancer cells and their ability to metastasize. You can get a good dose of Phytosterols in a few handfuls of roasted peanuts or a large scoop of peanut butter but you also get a lot of calories. It takes 100 to 300 mg of a mixed phytosterol supplement to support immune function and decrease cortisol production. In Athletic performance it requires a high dose of 800 mg per day. This makes it a pretty expensive supplement to improve athletic performance.

I encourage you to explore the links below to learn more on Cortisol reduction and what herbs and supplements can increase Testosterone.







