Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, Without Drugs

The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know about the information I’m going to share with you, because “Big Pharma” makes a mega-fortune off of prescription drugs for controlling hypertension (high blood pressure). They have you convinced that high blood pressure cannot be controlled through natural means. Millions of people have high blood pressure. Does this seem like the work of intelligent design? If you side more with evolution, then does this seem like the handiwork of nature’s order and logic? All these people with dangerously high blood pressure? Well, it’s the handiwork of modern living.

However, if you’re currently on drugs for blood pressure control, do not stop taking them on your own. If you wish to keep your high blood pressure (hypertension) lowered naturally, first see your physician so that he can coordinate with you a safe program that involves gradually, over time, lowering your drug doses. If he tries to talk you out of this safe way to wean off drugs and test out natural methods, then see another doctor. Did you know that usually, doctors get a bonus from the pharmaceutical company that makes the drug that they prescribe? Thus, doctors want to keep you on drugs!

With that in mind, here are proven, 100 percent natural methods for lowering blood pressure.




Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids)

Vitamins C and E (with selenium)

Coenzyme Q10



Calcium (with magnesium)

Vitamin B complex

Note: Eating garlic is not enough, because the therapeutic dose is equivalent to three whole cloves daily.

See also  Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure


Eat more: fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas, broccoli, orange juice, prunes, winter squash and apples. Also eat more whole grains. Make sure the ingredients list has the word “whole” before the grain’s name.

Additionally, increase consumption of legumes/beans, nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are best if eaten raw. If you use cooking oil, use only olive or canola.

Avoid or cut back on these ingredients:

Do not buy foods that contain hydrogenated or “partially hydrogenated” oils or trans fats! Read labels to acquaint yourself with the brands that use only healthy oils (olive, canola, safflower, soybean).

Eliminate artificial sweeteners, fake colorings, artificial flavors and preservatives. The more pure, and closer to nature that food is, the better-functioning your cardiovascular system will be-and this includes blood pressure.

Par way back on sugar intake. This means added sugar, which is frequently found in cereal, juice blends and food bars (meal replacement, protein, granola, breakfast, energy, etc.). Really cut down on pastries, cookies, cakes, donuts, ice cream, etc., and lower caffeine intake.


§. Before you retire for the evening, make sure you have consumed all the water in the glasses. Work up to eight glasses daily.

§ Exercise! This means both cardio and weight workouts. Do not think for one second that housework, or physical work on the job, substitutes for structured, methodical exercise!

§ Take up yoga.

§ Been thinking about getting a dog lately, but keep putting it off? Studies show that petting a dog lowers blood pressure right on the spot.