Heel Tastic Review

Heel Tastic Review

Several months ago I set out to find the best cracked heel treatments on the market. I didn’t want to try them
for review purposes or anything, I was looking for a cracked heel remedy for myself. But, I did not want to buy a bunch of expensive cracked heel treatments to find out that none of them worked, so I set out to read heel stick reviews and other online reviews of skin creams.

My issue was not exactly how to heal cracked heels, it was more for cracked skin in general. I tend to lay on the floor and use my laptop. My elbows scrape against the carpet and get cracked and ashey. I have no problem with dry skin anywhere else on my body but my elbows look terrible. Regular hand cream and body lotions do nothing and they are really greasy. There’s nothing worse than glopping on cream and putting on a long sleeve shirt only to have the sleeves stick to your elbows and create a huge stain.

I’d seen the Heel Tastic infomercial with Billy Mays and I remember seeing the Pitchmen episode featuring the heel stick, but I have always been reluctant to buy as seen on TV products because of the carnival like sales pitches. By the way, if you do a little digging, you will find that Heel Tastic is the new name for the Heel Stick and these cracked heel treatments are exactly the same. In fact, the same remedy was being sold under the name Luxuriant Cracked Heel Repair in salons, and this quite possibly still might be the case.

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Regardless of the name this cracked heels remedy is being marketed under, the heel tastic commercial was very compelling. It was also disgusting, but that’s how they do things in the As Seen On TV product world. I didn’t need to see people sand blasting their nasty feet but the point was well taken. What I was interested in was did Heel Tastic Work. In the Heel Tastic commercial it did, but those people are probably paid for their testimonials or friends of the inventor. You really never know with these types of things.

What was interesting was the taping of the Heel Stick episode of Pitchmen. Here, Billy Mays and Sully went to a salon and gave the Heel Stick to some normal women and asked them to try it out and report back. They all loved it. Usually I would say “yeah right” but because the Heel Stick was on Pitchmen I took the reviews to heart.
On a show like Pitchmen they need bad products as well as homeruns to make the show interesting. It seems that viewers love to see failure more than success, and if Billy Mays got the chance to crush someone’s dreams because their product stunk, then he would take it. That’s Showbiz.

So based on the Heel Tastic Reviews, I decided to take the plunge. It took a few weeks for my Heel Tastic to arrive but once it did I was very happy. The Heel Tastic cracked heel remedy delivered on all promises. Now granted I didn’t extactly have cracked heels, but the commercial said it worked on dry cracked knees and elbows so I cannot say for certain it will work on everyone’s nasty feet. My Heel Tastic Review is based on Elbows alone and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

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First, Heel Tastic is pretty much greaseless so there is no sticking to clothing or smearing onto furniture. It takes a minute or two to dry but it does seem to penetrate the skin and heal from within. It’s definatly not just some surface cream. Next, you don’t have to use it that often. My dry cracked skin was pretty lush after about a week, and I don’t remember having to apply the heel stick very often. Now I only use it when I remember and I do this only as a preventative measure. There’s no more dry elbows and nobody would notice that I had any type of dry skin issue at all. The stuff works on elbows and I imagine it will work equally as well as if not better than other cracked heel treatments.

If you are looking to buy heel tastic I think you still have to buy online. To the best of my knowledge it is not available in stores as of yet. I know a lot of people hate buying as seen on TV products because of the shipping and handling but there are deals out there to make it worth the hastle. I think the best thing about buying heel tastic online is that you are not going to have to buy it a lot. The Heel Stick lasts a long time and by the time you need a refill, it will probably be in stock at your local drug store.
