Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a very common, painful foot problem. The cracks are called heel fissures and are caused by dry skin (xerosis). The thick skin or callus around the rim of the heel makes the problem worse. Not only are the cracks a nuisance and cosmetically unattractive, the fissures can be deep and painful to stand on, and the skin can bleed and become infected. Wearing open or thin-soled shoes usually makes the pain worse.

People with excessively dry skin have a predisposition to heel cracks. The condition is often caused by mechanics–the way one walks–and this increases the pressure in the area around the heel. Other causes of cracked heels can be inactive sweat glands, prolonged standing, wearing shoes with an open back, going barefoot, obesity, surgery to the lower extremities, diabetes, thyroid disease, psoriasis, athlete’s foot, improperly fitting shoes, high arches, heel spurs and mal-alignment of the metatarsal bones of the feet. I Vitamin, minerals and zinc deficiencies can also contribute to the condition. Cracked heels are seen often in the elderly and females suffer from the condition more frequently than males.

The main symptom is cracks in the rim of the heel. The edges of the cracks are raised as hard crusts and are difficult to heal. There is soreness, and in extreme cases, bleeding, infection and restriction of movement. Pain increases with walking, standing or touching the cracked area. Red, raw parts can occur, and, in some cases, deep ulcers. Discharge of puss or fluid indicates infection.

To help PREVENT this painful condition, the following preventive measures should be followed:

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1. Keep your feet and soles clean.

2. Wear soft, cushioned, comfortable shoes that fit well.

3 Wear socks to prevent your feet from rubbing on your shoes

4. Keep feet lubricated if they are dry.

5. Eat foods rich in vitamins– fruits, dates, leafy vegetables etc.

6. Avoid walking barefoot.

7. Wear shoes that fit properly.

8. Don’t let your feet come in contact with bleaching agents or any harsh chemicals.

9. Don’t use strong chemical soaps.

There are many home remedies to heal cracked heels that include using everything from bananas squished on the heels to rubbing lemon juice on the cracks (ouch!) but the following treatment is one that has proven to work well and heal cracked, painful heels. quickly.

IMPORTANT! If your heels are infected, oozing, drainage or if you have diabetes or other health issues, see your physician or podiatrist. The following suggestions are for healthy people with dry skin and cracked feet that will respond quickly to minimal treatment.

For at least one week, do the following procedure, preferably just before bedtime:

Use a pumice stone and file off as much of the hard calloused skin as possible. Do this gradually over several days, not too much at one time.

After filing, soak feet in warm soapy water for at least 15 minutes. If your feet are extremely cracked, get a product called Domboro Solution to use in the water. (you can get it at any drug store) and following the instruction. While you are soaking your feet, gently use the pumice stone again and do more scraping to reduce skin thickness around the heels and other hardened areas.

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Dry feet thoroughly and wait 10 minutes so the cracks in your feet are completely dry. Using a hair dryer helps. If the feet aren’t thoroughly dry, moisture remains hidden deep in the cracks and when cream or lotion is applied, the moisture is trapped and can cause infection. When feet are totally dry, apply a cream called Lansinoh. (This is a product used by breast feeding mothers and is 100% pure, modified lanolin). This cream works wonderfully for healing dry, cracked skin on the heels and elsewhere. Apply CLEAN white socks and keep the socks on all night. In the morning, remove socks and apply more lotion. Keep feet covered with a new pair of clean, white socks.

If your feet are terribly cracked and very painful, doing the above procedure twice daily will help relieve the pain and speed the healing process. When all the cracks have healed, and your feet are soft and smooth, discontinue the soaks but remember to apply a good lotion everyday to help prevent the condition from reoccurring.