Free Homemade Shampoo Recipes

I had thought about writing an article for free homemade shampoo recipes for a couple of weeks. Some of the free homemade shampoo recipes listed below I have heard of over the years from different people.

I had tried a dry shampoo once for fun to see how it worked. The one I tried used baby powder with cornstarch. That one was rubbed into my hair to remove the oils from my hair. It worked like it said it would, but I didn’t care to much for it because my scalp still felt dirty.

I haven’t tried any of the others listed in the links below, yet. I may try them eventually to see how well they work. I know my grandmother’s had told me a few times they had used eggs as a way to wash their hair when they were growing up. One of my grandmothers, until she had to go to a nursing home because of dementia, would wash her hair with an egg once a month and rinse it in beer. I could tell when she done this, not due to the beer smell, because of how her hair shined afterwards compared to when she visited the hair salon.

For those who are looking for a natural way to shampoo your hair, you may want to try the free homemade shampoo recipes. Just be aware if you have an allergy to certain foods, you may want to skip those homemade shampoo recipes.

Free Homemade Shampoo Recipes

There are 15 free homemade shampoo recipes listed below. The very last link has two Yucca root recipes. One is in the video and the other is in the description of the video.

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Homemade Shampoo

With this homemade shampoo recipe, there are 10 recipes listed on the how to. Each of the steps has a different homemade shampoo. The ingredients listed for each of the homemade shampoos can be found in grocery stores, health food stores, and specialty stores that sell oils.

Hair Care Through Egg

The base for all these homemade shampoo recipes are eggs. Some have additional ingredients added to them for various ways to add shine to your hair. The best thing about this group of homemade shampoos is you can everything at your local grocery store.

Chamomile Fields Shampoo

With this homemade shampoo recipe you can use Chamomile tea or fresh Chamomile flowers with the other two ingredients. There is a tip for storing this shampoo in the “Did You Know” section.

Soapwart Shampoo Recipe

It should be soapwort than soapwart when asking about it in a health food store. Which ever way you may spell it, it comes in a root form that is chopped and added to other ingredients to make a shampoo.

Yucca Root Shampoo “soap weed” wilderness survival

I included this YouTube video because he shares how to make a shampoo from the root of the Yucca plant. What made me think to search for this one was I had read a Q&A; in Backwood Homes where Jackie chopped the Yucca root, rather than smashing it, placed it in a net bag. She said they used it as a shampoo and conditioner. However, she did note they washed the root off before chopping it up.