Health Benefits of Apple Pectin

Recent studies, done by the National Food Institute at the University of Denmark, support the long held belief that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. When microbiologists fed rats a diet of apples, apple puree, and apple juice they found an abundance of good bacteria in the gut and digestive systems compared to a group of control rats fed a normal diet.

When apples are eaten regularly healthy bacteria are able to a chemical called butyrate that supports healthy formation of the cells lining the intestinal wall. The healthy bacteria supported during the breakdown of apples in the digestive system are also believed to promote a healthy ph balance lowering the risk of certain cancers.

Apples are available year round and are easily fit into a daily food plan. Apples have long been promoted as a key to good health and now health professionals and nutritionists are finding more proven benefits of an apple a day.

Apples and Dietary Fiber

Because apple pectin is an indigestible soluble fiber, it is often used in many medicinal compounds used for the control of diarrhea. Dietary fiber also has been shown to have a beneficial effect in lowering cholesterol. Raw apples provide a rich source of high quality fruit pectin and soluble fiber.

Apple Pectin and Colon Health

The soluble and insoluble fiber found in apple pectin cleanses the intestinal tract while supportive the growth of healthy bacteria. Maintaining a healthy environment in the intestines lowers the risk of colon cancer and other intestinal diseases such as ulcers and colitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a holistic tonic. The use of apple cider vinegar became popular in the 1950’s and remains a popular home health tonic today. While there are no substantial studies verifying the use of apple cider vinegar many believe the acetic acid is beneficial to overall well being. Apple Cider vinegar also contains enzymes in the raw unpasteurized form as well as a wide range of vitamins and minerals in a form easily absorbed into the digestive system. The standard dose for using apple cider vinegar for health benefits is two or three teaspoons daily.

My individuals cannot tolerate swallowing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can be added to a small glass of water and a teaspoon of honey added. Apple cider vinegar is a safe food substance and can be taken in addition to prescribed medications, however always talk to your doctor before adding any supplements on a regular basis.


Effects of Apples and Specific Apple Components on the Cecal Environment of Conventional Rats: Role of Apple Pectin, Tine R Licht, Max Hansen, Anders Bergstrom, Morten Poulsen, Britta N Krath, Jaroslaw Markowski, Lars O Dragsted and Andrea Wilcks, BMC Microbiology

Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar-Natural Cures.SilverMedicine.Org.

Apple Pectin Benefits and Information.