Have a Hangover? It’s Time for Detox!

If you have a hangover, your body will be full of harmful toxins and its time to do a detox! A hangover is your body telling you its hurting, you’ve consumed too much alcohol, your dehydrated, fatigued from lack of sleep and you may even be suffering ethanol withdrawal symptoms. If you start your detox now, you will be able to reduce the effects of your hangover, release those harmful toxins and take some strain off of your body!
Since alcohol makes the body dehydrated, this is the reason when you have a hangover you have a dry mouth, head ache etc… so first of all drink extra fluids to rehydrate and this will help wash away some toxins too and help take some strain off the liver. You will have lost vitamin C through alcohol intake too, so try to drink some cranberry juice as this will help replace vitamin C and will also hep you detox.

A typical detox can take between 3 and 21 days so its up to you how long you partake but any detox will be rewarding. If you cut out the alcohol, aim not to wake up with a hangover any more than once a month. But if you drink regularly and find yourself in a hangover state often maybe you should consult a doctor, because you may have a drinking problem.

When I detox, I drink lots of juice and eat less. I cut out dairy, meats and sugary foods and drink lots of fluids, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. I do this in a relaxed way without trying to force myself into a strict diet, otherwise i will get frustrated with the whole thing and give up. This way i don’t find it to be difficult to undertake a regular detox once every two weeks.

See also  10 Detox Foods to Cleanse Your Body

Good luck and happy detoxing!