Grocery Store Zit Zappers: Remedies Found at Home to Help Skin

People suffer from acne and blemishes on their faces mostly during teen years and for some through adulthood. There are so many over the counter products, it is hard to even know what to buy and prescription medication can be really expensive. Through the years I have tried many different products including prescriptions. I decided that I would look into homemade remedies for the skin as options to keep from dealing with the trouble of manufactured products.

Egg White is one of my favorite at home item to use because we always have eggs in the refrigerator. The vitamin A in the whites is also good for your skin. According to egg white is good for oily or combination skin and egg yoke is good for dry skin. Egg white dries and takes excess oil from the face whereas egg yokes leave in moisture for those with dry skin. I like using the egg white and find that it tightens the skin. Egg whites can also be mixed with lemon juice and honey to create masks. When you use egg whites or yokes apply and leave on for 15 minutes then rinse with water. Also according to egg white can be used as an over-night pimple zapping remedy. Apply egg white with a q-tip directly to the pimple. This will dry the pimple out as does toothpaste another favorite at home remedy.

Toothpaste is a wonderful product because it keeps you cavity free and zaps zits. I have used toothpaste for many years to dry out those zits that seem to come out of no where. The only thing is, if you touch, rub, or squeeze (a no-no with a zit) then apply toothpaste you may accidentally cause the skin in this area to burn. You may end up with a scab instead of a shrunken-dried dead pimple. Trust me, because I caused a disaster on my face. Once it is a scab you be left with a larger spot.

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Now, I use to think my mom was crazy when she would tell me when I had a large red pimple on my face to use Visine because it gets the red out. I thought she was joking but according too Visine will get the red out of your inflamed pimple just apply the eye drops to the pimple.

Tips from say that as sour as lemon can be, the juice helps to clean your skin. The juice can be applied to your skin and then rinsed off the next morning and your skin will be healthy and oil-free. If you have dry skin then this citrus will only make dryness worst.

Oatmeal is another skin helping food and says that like egg whites, oatmeal is a way to have oil absorbed from the skin. The oatmeal has to be boiled, cooled, and then applied to the face. Once it dries rinse it off. Your skin will feel excellent.

Breakout fashion also explains that vinegar is good for the skin also. The site say says that, “most of the time, people use apple cider vinegar for the treatment of acne. This site also says that vinegar will kill the bacteria on the skin that causes the pimple infections. Make sure the vinegar is diluted with water. The site says: 8:1 water: vinegar
Of course these homemade remedies may not help a more serious break out and a visit to a dermatologist may be what is necessary to really help your skin probably and as side note remember to wash your face before bed, wash away the harsh pollutants from being outside and to remove make-up.

See also  Visine Original Eye Drops vs. Equate Sterile Eye Drops
