How to Properly Pop a Zit

Once you hit that magical teenage stage zits start popping up on your face and for some of stick around even after the teenage years. We’ve all hear you should never pop a zit. Some people disagree with this statement. So should you or shouldn’t you pop it and if you do what is the right way to do it?

Reasons not to Pop a Zit

Some say that popping a zit will leave scars. This is true if the zit becomes infected after being popped. It is also said the popping a zit can force bacteria and oil into deeper layers of skin. Sometimes after popping a zit it will look worse then before you popped it. After popping a zit you will have to avoid applying make up to cover it up until the zit has healed which is a good reason not to pop a zit if you wear make where the zit is.

Reasons to Pop a Zit

In some cases popping a zit may actually help the zit to heal faster. The main reasons for popping a zit is that most people do not like to see zits. It is also a good idea to pop then in a controlled way instead of having them pop on their own when you can be sure that your face is clean and the interment popping them is sterile.

How to Pop a Zit

If you decided to pop a zit there are some things to keep in mind and that will actually make the process easier. Heating the zit will help open the pore and make it less painful to pop. Try popping zits after a shower or bath. Always be sure that you have clean hands and nails to avoid infecting the area. You will also need to use a sterilized needle To sterilize a needle pass it under a flame or clean it with rubbing alcohol. Grab the pimple and surrounding area applying pressure so that the pus comes to the surface then gently prick the head of the pimple. Continue applying pressure till pus or blood comes to the surface then release the pimple and use a clean cloth, napkin or toilet paper to remove the pus and blood. Hold the cloth over the zit until the liquid has stopped flowing. After you have wiped the area of pus clean the open area with hydrogen peroxide. Applying an antibacterial cream is also a good idea to help speed up healing of the area. If you are popping more then one zit be sure to clean your hands and utilizes after every zit.

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Tips to Avoid Zits

Always wash your face to help avoid the occurrence of zits but avoid over cleaning your face. Always remove makeup before going to bed. Avoid touching your face unless your hands are clean. Be sure to change your pillow cases often. Sleeping on dirty pillowcases can cause a breakout and spread bacteria. Healthy eating and drinking water will not only help you from getting zits but have healthier skin. Stress can also cause breaks so relaxing during periods of stress will also help benefit your skin.