Great Ideas for Summer Activities for Senior Citizens

Looking for some fun ways to celebrate the summertime with your elderly loved one? Or perhaps you care for seniors professionally and would like some fun ways things to do with them. Whether at home or in a group, there are many ways that senior citizens can enjoy the “good ole summertime” in a fun, safe, and meaningful way.

While the summer offers many choices for interesting activities for your seniors, make sure to be cautious with physical activities to be certain the elderly person does not overly exert him/herself. Keep an eye on the temperature and/or humidity and plan outdoor activities during the morning or evening when it is coolest. And when outdoors make certain that your senior is protected from the sun with a wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, and most importantly that he/she drinks plenty of water.

Fun Outdoor Activities That Seniors Enjoy

Warm weather and sunshine in the summer just makes everyone want to be outside, and there are many fun ways you and your senior citizen can enjoy the outdoors. Talk a walk during the cooler parts of the day. Go to the local park and have a picnic. Play croquet or visit a miniature golf place. Enjoy a local pool, and even better, see if the pool has senior water aerobics, as this can be a great low-impact activity for the elderly.

Many senior citizens enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities when they were younger, and there is no reason that, if interested, they still can’t when older: the key is to find a way for the person to still participate safely, and comfortably.

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For example, your senior can do some simple gardening: raised planters and beds are a way to make this easier on the elderly person. Or find a great local fishing hole and help the senior citizen to enjoy fishing again. Bird-watching is another interesting activity, and even if the elderly person can no longer go on long bird-watching hikes, you can still set up a variety of feeders in the yard where they can be seen and enjoyed by everyone.

Take Your Seniors on a Trip or Outing

There are many fun and interesting places to visit in the summer with your senior citizen, and frankly they are the same places you enjoy visiting as well. The only difference is you want to make sure that you have the right accommodations to make it comfortable for your elderly person: ease of transporting, appropriate places to sit and/or rest, and attention to weather are important considerations on any outing with seniors, whether individually or as a group.

Some places that your senior citizen may enjoy are a baseball game or outdoor concert, but be sure to bring a comfortable outdoor chair, since bleachers can be a challenge for the elderly. You might want to consider a visit to a local farm or zoo, as watching and/or feeding animals is enjoyable for any age. Visit a berry patch or orchard: even if the senior can’t pick the fruit themselves, most places also have fresh fruit for sale. And don’t forget everyone’s favorite in the summer, ice cream. Go for an outing to get ice cream…or even better, consider making some with those fresh berries that you got at the berry patch.

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Summer Games, Hobbies, Arts and Crafts

Games, hobbies and crafts are fun year round, but you can adapt many to be a little “different” in the summertime, to vary the experience for the senior. And again, the key here is to draw on a lifetime of interests of the elderly person. For example, does he/she love to cook or bake? Consider then using fresh fruits and vegetables that you harvested to create pies, breads, or meals: help them with the cooking or baking if they have trouble with any of it. Take puzzles, board games and cards outdoors! Or bring outdoor summer games indoors by throwing a beach-ball and playing games like “say a letter or color. Arts and crafts can be tailored to the season as well, using summer holiday/patriotic themes.

Fun Group Activities for the Elderly

If you work with a group of senior citizens in a senior center, senior day care, or assisted living/nursing home environment, there are some fun ways to bring “summer” to your seniors. Think about planning some special events that everyone can plan for in advance, like a summer fair where there are crafts and games that the seniors can prepare in advance. Play some great Beach Boys music, have a cookout and invite the families for a fun and memorable afternoon or evening. You can make it even more fun by adding a patriotic theme and holding the event near Memorial Day or July 4th.

Other fun group senior activities for the summer could include ice cream socials, karaoke night, or even plan a summer book club where everyone reads or discusses a summer-themed book. And if reading is a challenge for your group of elderly, then consider using a “book on tape” for everyone to listen to, which sometimes can be more fun than doing the reading!

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Summertime activities for senior citizens can be fun and an enjoyable way for seniors to experience the season. Keeping in mind the aging person’s interests and limitations will ensure meaningful enjoyment for everyone.