Graduation Gift Ideas from a Graduate

Come May every year, our mailboxes start to fill with those familiar cards. It’s graduation season! If your son or daughter is graduating, you have the added stress of a party and future plans to deal with, as well as gift-giving to family and friends. How about all your kid’s friends, and the neighbor’s children? And then there are the cousins and nieces and grandchildren; before you know it your checkbook is feeling like its Christmas in May and your still staring at 10 more graduation party invitations. What do you get them all? What if you don’t know them well? And most importantly, what will they really use? As a 2009 graduate, I can tell you exactly what I loved best, and what I have already returned. Ready? Get your purse out and hold on, here comes the list!

For the College-Bound Senior:
The best gift is probably cash. It’s generic and somewhat impersonal, but it is always in style. The minimum I would give is probably $15, with the max being around $50 for a non-relative. My family was somewhat hesitant to giving me checks as I had a couple large scholarships behind me, but all those are made out directly to the college; I don’t see a dime! Believe me, CASH=GOOD. Gas, Food, Fun, all this cannot be done without cold hard cash.

For your friend or child’s friend, a great creative gift is one I’ve used many times. Almost every dorm in the country does not allow pets, but an easy alternative is a Beta Fish! They are small, cheap (usually you can buy a fish and tank for under $15), and so unique and fun you are guaranteed a hand-written thank-you note! They are beautiful fishes, and it is so nice to have something to watch and take care of living in your dorm with you. Make it a complete gift with a bottle of food and a Beta guide (you can print one off on-line for free!).

Gift cards are expected but you can make them count! Google their future college and see what pizza joints are nearby, or just ask the graduate’s parents if they noticed any restaurant on the college tour. You are sure to be thought of during their first all-nighter when your gift buys a midnight pizza. Other great and different gift-card ideas: the college bookstore (for books and school spirit gear), Starbucks, a Visa gift card, Target, or their favorite fast food (just ask the parents, they’ll know). You can even try an Amazon or Ebay gift card, if they’re into on-line shopping. Amazon is especially nice because you can find cheap textbooks there.

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A drink basket. Contrary to popular belief, the college beverage of choice is coffee and tea, not beer. Invest in a nice sturdy travel mug in their favorite color (or the college’s mascot on it) and package it with a bag of instant hot chocolate or tea bags. If you have a higher price limit, you can even invest in a small coffee maker. They run from $20-$50 at Bed Bath and Beyond or Walmart, and for the soon-to-be coffee addict having their own maker will save a lot of money in the long run.

For all those nieces and nephews, a great idea is a flash-drive (USB drive). This small gift is cheap and easy to find, but so necessary for college life. They come in all shapes and sizes, you can get a key chain one or even a swarvoski crystal embedded one! Make sure and get a nice one that’s at least 5 Gigabytes so they can put all their papers on it. This is an awesome idea, they are sure to need and use it.

A laptop case. This can be a simple briefcase-like item or even a stylish bag, but every laptop owner needs one. A simple case (with no handles or straps) make the great to carry around with books.

A box of necessities: no matter what they get they always need these. Fill a box or basket (for multi-purpose you can give them a laundry hamper or basket) with dollar store items such as pens and pencils (get some nice ones too, not just plain old Bic), notebooks, post-it notes and highliters. A letter opener and a bottle of white-out, along with a stapler and roll of tape, make it perfect. Add in a 2009 Day Planner for a whole gift in 10 minutes or less!

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My grandma’s favorite gift: Stamps. The “Forever” stamp makes it easy to help ease the pain of writing hundreds of thank-you’s and using all your present money on postage. This also encourages little notes home from your student too!

A small dry-erase board. You can find these at the dollar store or Staples, and they are so useful. Your dorm-bound graduate will be able to leave messages for their roommate with out the mess of post-it notes everywhere. Add a pack of colorful markers and they will be forever grateful!

A final college-bound gift: A subscription or monthly plan. A magazine about their favorite subject (try National Geographic or Elle) or a newspaper (USA Today is very interesting) will leave them thinking about you every time they open their mailbox. Also, try a product-of-the-month club. My roomie had a bouquet of daises delivered to our room every month by her mom, and it brightened both our day so much. A chocolate of the month, or even a coffee-flavor of the month will give anyone motivation to go to their mailbox.

Not all seniors go to college. Here are some great ideas for those entering the workforce:

A savings account or CD. It is never too early to save for retirement, and if you are willing to give $50 or $100 to the graduate your gift should start them off a nice cushion to add to every paycheck. Check with the parents to see what bank the graduate uses, then go through them to start an account. This is a great idea for grandparents and even aunts and uncles.

Gift Cards. Again, I know, they are generic but VERY useful! Try Target or another clothing store, they will need to dress for success.

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Another option possible if they are moving out on their own is a rent-free coupon. This is costly, but a great reward for a prosperous high-school career. Once the graduate finds an apartment, contact both them and their landlord to arrange for their first month of rent to be covered by you. This big present will definitely be appreciated.

Books and guides on money and life skills. In this economy, everyone can use advise. Add a card with the best financial advice you ever got to pass on wisdom to the graduate.

A stereo system. No matter if they are living at home or on their own, everyone like their music. Make sure and try to get one with an MP3 plug so they can jam to their Ipod too

A car wash or detailing. Many local garages offer gift certificates or deals if you buy more than one, so why not treat yourself and your graduate to a clean car? There is nothing like having someone else wash and buff your car.

There are a lot of possibilities for gift-giving to seniors. No matter what you decide to give, remember: It is the thought that counts. A roll of quarters might seem small to you, but when your child goes to wash their own clothes for the first time it will make a world of difference. Quarters, stamps, even a care package or two once they are on campus (or in their new apartment) will remind the student of how proud you are and how much they are missed. Always include a small card and message too, they will be kept an treasured just as much as gifts.