Ginkgo Biloba: What It’s Good for and How it Works

Ginkgo Biloba is actually the name of a very hardy tree, native to China and other parts of Asia. The name Ginkgo biloba is commonly used now to refer to the extract that is used in many health supplements. Ginkgo biloba is commonly referred to as an herbal supplement, but a more accurate description would be a botanical supplement, since it is not truly an herb. But, on to the good stuff…

One of the most common uses of ginkgo biloba is to improve memory. How does ginkgo biloba do that? Scientifically controlled double blind tests have shown that ginkgo biloba increases blood circulation to the brain, thereby improving the oxygen content of brain tissue and cells. More oxygen to the brain means more clarity, increased ability to focus, increased attention span and a general feeling of being more awake. This is the reason that ginkgo biloba is an ingredient in some energy drinks. However, it is questionable whether the small amount of ginkgo biloba extract in the drinks is actually effective. Most of the drinks contain large amounts of caffeine, which can increase energy, if a person is not sensitive to caffeine.

Ginkgo biloba is used as an ingredient in heart health supplements, because it protects the arterial walls and may prevent atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. How does it do that? In the same way that it improves brain function, by improving blood circulation. In addition, ginkgo biloba has been shown to prevent blood clotting and prevent blood platelets from “sticking” together, technically referred to as “platelet aggregation”. Ginkgo biloba also protects the cells from free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals and oxidative stress are involved in numerous diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

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Ginkgo biloba is found in some of the better supplements for erectile dysfunction. Why? Reduced circulation in the tiny blood vessels and capillaries is typically a factor in erectile dysfunction. As with the other health benefits of ginkgo biloba, its effectiveness in relieving or reducing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction are related to its ability to improve circulation.

Ginkgo biloba may be beneficial in hearing disorders, vertigo (dizziness), senility, Alzheimer’s, impotence, premenstrual syndrome, macular degeneration, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), asthma, depression and many other disorders, in which poor circulation plays a role. Apparently the flavonoids and antioxidants that protect the trees from damage and allow them to survive disasters and live for as much as 1500 years can protect us humans, too. The better dietary supplements designed to counter the effects of aging and prevent the development of age related conditions contain ginkgo biloba.

To learn more about ginkgo biloba and other herbal medicines, please visit the All Herbal Medicine Guide.