Ginkgo Biloba: The Miracle Cure for Cold Hands and Feet

Shaking hands used to be a dangerous prospect for me. My cold hands made it impossible for people to avoid flinching. More than one job offer turned icy when the prospective employer extended a friendly handshake.

My hands and feet have always been colder than normal. The doctors blamed it on poor circulation and urged me to keep them warm. I certainly tried. But as I became an adult, the problem grew progressively worse. No matter how many layers I put on them, my hands and feet simply would not warm up. I tried all types of creams and lotions as well as running them under hot water. Nothing helped. It had gotten so bad that my hands and feet started to go numb, where I literally could not feel them. I couldn’t even adjust water temperature with them because they could not tell what was hot or cold. My minor annoyance was becoming a bigger problem with each day that passed, and I knew that I needed help.

A visit to my doctor offered little assistance. He told me that there was nothing he could do unless my hands and feet started to blister. He offered to write me a referral to a neurologist. Visiting a specialist, especially without health insurance, was far out of my reach. So I turned to alternative medicine.

I found my cure in Ginkgo Biloba, a well-known mainstream herbal supplement taken by many Americans each day to improve their concentration, intellect, and memory. Gingko Biloba works by increasing blood flow in the body. I paid close attention as I searched for any major side effects associated with the herb but found none. Finally, I picked up my first bottle of Ginkgo Biloba at a drug store and gave it a try.

See also  Why Are My Hands and Feet Always Cold?

What amazing results I got! Within three days of starting to take the herb, I began to feel my hands and feet warm up. Within two weeks, thanks to some experimentation with dosing, my problem had all but disappeared. Of course, there are still times when my hands and feet are cold, but it is a normal cold, like everybody else. I can now offer my hand to people I meet, confident that my touch will not make them flinch. I can adjust water temperature and sleep without three layers of thermal socks on my feet. I have experienced absolutely no side effects from the supplement. The amount I pay for the supplement is mere pennies compared to the expense of a neurologist or a prescription.

If you have cold hands and feet and want your own Ginkgo miracle cure, here is some advice. First, Ginkgo Biloba is widely available at everywhere from Wal-Mart to drug stores to health food stores. Find the best price among all of these places. I have found the best prices at drug stores, and they often have special deals. Health food stores tend to charge the most, and discounters like Wal-Mart tend to be the least expensive. Avoid dollar stores like Dollar Tree and Family Dollar. These are great places for trinkets and toilet paper, but supplements bought there might be contaminated or impure.

Second, make sure that you only buy Ginkgo that says on the bottle that it is a standardized extract with 24% Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides, and make sure the supplement is not combined with anything else. This supplement works best by itself.

See also  Ginkgo Biloba: What It's Good for and How it Works

Third, Ginkgo generally comes in three milligram doses: 30, 60, and 120. Some of the bottles will say they are time-released, but I have found little difference between them. I take three Ginkgo Biloba pills during the day. I take one 60 mg pill with breakfast, one 60 mg pill with lunch, and one 120 mg pill with dinner. I take the largest dose at dinner so the herb will last through the night. Depending on your needs, you may need more or less of the supplement. Experiment to see what works best for you. If you have a sensitive stomach, like me, you may want to take the supplement with a meal.

Finally, keep a watch on yourself, physically and mentally, until you know how you’ll react to the herb. Each person reacts differently. If you experience any unpleasant changes or it seems to reduce the effectiveness of other medicine you’re taking, stop taking it immediately. Also, make sure at your next physical, you let your doctor know you’re taking the supplement.

You don’t have to suffer in silence with cold hands and cold feet. Break free of your icy chains with Ginkgo Biloba.


  • “Ginkgo Biloba” BC Health Guide “Ginkgo biloba” WebMD “Herbs A-Z” Health 24