5 Herbs You Can Use to Treat Depression Naturally

Do you or someone you know have depression but want to avoid taking prescription medication? Then herbal treatments for depression maybe something you might want to think about trying. Although not many are not scientifically proven to aid in the treatment of depression many people report finding relief, especially for minor depression symptoms through the use of herbal treatments. A word of caution before I describe five of the reportedly most helpful natural remedies for depression. Treat any herbal supplement you try just as you would a prescribed medication.Follow all dosing instructions and consult with your Doctor before starting any treatment. your doctor knows your personal health history and can advise you of any pros and cons concerning herbal treatments for depression.

Top Five Herbal Treatments for Depression

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

St. Johns Wort is a herbal remedy that has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years to promote general well being and enhance a positive mood. Recently several studies in Europe and the United Stated have found it to be an effect treatment for mild depression symptoms.

One of the reasons most people choose to use St. Johns wort is that it has fewer side effects than typical anti depressant medications.

Some of the side effects you might experience when taking St. Johns wort to treat depression are, headaches, dry, mouth, stiff neck, nausea, and possibly vomiting. It can also cause sunburn in people with fair skin.

St.Johns Wort can be purchased in any health food store and most drug stores. Its available in tablets, capsules, powder and a liquid form.

St. Johns Wort can be purchased on line from GNC www.gnc.com for $15.79 for a bottle of 100 capsules

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Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Biloba)

This herbal supplement comes from the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree, the oldest living species of tree. Ginkgo Biloba has been found to be effective with treating mild depression particularly in the elderly who showed the most improvement in clinical trails of Ginkgo Biloba. Although not as effective as St. Johns Wort it can improve overall mood and well being.

The side effects from taking Ginkgo Biloba can be gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches, may increase risk of bleeding and can cause restlessness.

Ginkgo Biloba can be purchased at any health food or drugstore and comes in, capsules, tablets,powders,soft gels and liquid form. It can be purchased on line in a 100 capsule bottle from GNC www.gnc.com for $17.99

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Ginseng has been used as a herbal treatment for over 5000 years and is one of the most well known of the herbal supplements available today. Those who use Ginseng report that it boost their energy level and reduces stress. Since stress and low energy can both be in factor in depression its only logical that Ginseng would be used to reduce depression.

Ginseng should not be taken by pregnant women and those with high blood pressure.

Some possible side effects of Ginseng are restlessness, nervousness and in rare cases mild diarrhea

Ginseng can interact with other medications so its always important to talk with your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking it.When buying Ginseng make sure you are buying either American or Asian Ginseng also referred to as Panax not Siberian Ginseng which has different properties and side effects.

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Ginseng is available in powders, capsules, water or alcohol liquid extracts.

It can be purchased at Health food stores and most drug stores. It can also be purchased on line in a bottle of 100 capsules for $11.99 from GNC www.gnc.com

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

While not as well know as some of the more popular herbs Gotu Kola makes a good herbal treatment for depression because it relaxes the nervous system while stimulating the brain to focus better. People who are taking Gotu Kola report feeling better and being more focused after taking it.

Side effects of Gotu Kola are headache, stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, and extreme drowsiness.

Women who are pregnant and anyone with a history of liver problems should not take Gotu Kola. It can interact with several medications so always check with your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking it.

Gotu Kola is available in teas and as dried herbs, capsules, tablets, and ointments. You can purchase it in some Health Food stores or on ine at The Vitamin Shoppe www.vitaminshoppe.com in a 100 capsule bottle for $8.99

Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)

Kava Kava comes from a tall shrub that grows in the South Pacific. It can be used in the treatment of anxiety nervous tension, muscle tension and insomnia all of which can be contributing factors of depression.The results of a few scientific studies on Kava Kava have been promising but more research is needed.

Due to an FDA warning about Kava Kava potentially causing liver toxicity many countries have banned or restricted the sale of Kava Kava. However studies have found that liver toxicity only occurred in persons who had pre existing liver conditions, high alcohol consumption, exceeded the recommended dose or used it in
onjunction with other medications.

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Some of the side effects of Kava Kava are indigestion, mouth numbness, skin rash, headache, and drowsiness.

It can affect the bloods ability to clot so it shouldn’t be used by persons on blood thinners or a history of blood clotting problems. The use of Kava Kava should be stopped at least two weeks prior to any surgery.

Kava Kava is available in liquid, capsule, tablet and as a tea. It can be purchased in most health food stores on line at The Vitamin Shoppe www.vitaminshoppe.com in a 240 capsule bottle for $34.99

This article is not meant to take the place of medical advice and I strongly advise anyone who is considering using one of these or any herbal treatments for depression to consult with their Doctor first. Many of them can interact with other medications you might be taking or should be used by people with certain pre existing conditions. As with any medication do not exceed the recommended dose or dosage schedule with any of these herbal treatments and discuss all side effects with your Doctor.