Ghost Mother (Thai Film)

Advertised as the must-see scary movie this season, Ghost Mother (a Thai film now in theaters) will leave a haunting impression long after you leave the movie theater.

The movie is about a young woman, Nunta, who lives with her siblings and is the mother figure who takes care of them.
Unfortunately, they have ties with a dangerous gang of drug dealers who later comes looking for them.
There is another character, Sumet, who has suffered the loss of his girlfriend at the hands of an insane classmate whom Sumet tried to stop from shooting her. They both die and he is left with a guilty conscience. He comes across Nunta when her brother is found dead and is present at the funeral. Sumet had known Nunta’s brother and may have also known that he was working for the drug dealers who were responsible for his death.
Sumet becomes an important part of the story as he also knows some of the drug dealers who start hunting down Nunta and her family.
The drug dealers corner Nunta in a dark alley and she tries to escape. She runs into an abandoned junk yard and to the horror of the audience watching, she is strangled and later dumped into a pond.
But of course, this doesn’t mean that she is gone for good…
The drug dealers are still after her family and she will do anything to protect them even if it means coming back from the dead.

The movie blends everyday Thai life with elements of drug dealing and crime. The reality of the world that is seen is suddenly jarred by the supernatural events that take place after the young woman’s death. It could be a question as to whether she actually comes back to life or if she is just seen as a figment of the imagination. However, it does seem that she actually comes back to life because she is there with her family every evening and they don’t even know she is dead.
Even more disturbing than the dead coming back for revenge is the lengths the drug dealers will go to as they hunt down the rest of her family and try to kill them.

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To a Westerner this movie will hold the usual thrills of a horror film but if you look closer it has many personal and spiritual lessons. If you believe in life after death or of the human conscience then you may see more to this movie than just the killings and the creepy happenings that go on.

This movie is haunting, not just because it’s scary but because it touches a part of you with amazing sensitivity. The bond between the young woman Nunta and her family is shown with powerful emotion and heart wrenching music.

Be prepared to be scared, to cry and most of all, to enjoy the best Thai movie of the season.
