Getting Rid of Blood Clots

Blood clots occur when blood cells and fibrin strands rapidly form a clump to stop bleeding after a blood vessel has been injured. This clump forms a protective scab over a wounded blood vessel so it can heal. These blood clots are harmless.

However, at times some blood clots occur when a person is not injured. This happens when they form in the arteries or veins and block the blood flow. If small enough they can be carried by the blood flow through the arteries and veins into the heart or brain, which can result in a stroke or heart attack.

What Causes Blood Clots In Veins
According to the National Institute Of Health, blood clots occurs within the blood when the bloods flow is slowed or stopped by inactivity, such as sitting for long periods of time and failing to exercise. They can also be caused by obesity. The excess fat within the body squeezes the veins and arteries, slowing the blood flow. Other causes of blood clots are smoking and prolonged use of contraceptives patches or pills.

People At Risk Of Getting Blood Blots
According to the Cancer Research UK Center at, people suffering from any type of cancer have a high risk of developing blood clots. This is because cancer cells produce and release chemicals that cause the body to make more platelets(blood cells that play a role in helping your blood to clot) Where a person has more platelets than they are suppose to in his/ her body, they are at risk of getting unnecessary clots. So people suffering from cancer are advised to get plenty of exercise if possible. The exercise helps the blood to flow which can help prevent clotting.

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Other people at risk of getting blood clots are:

People who are bedridden
People who are over weight
Elderly people
Women taking birth control

Blood Clot Prevention
There are a variety of medications a person can take to prevent and cure clotting. However, these medications can have side effects. As an alternative, they can be treated using food, nutritional supplement, exercise.

Salicylates is a natural substance that can prevent the blood from clotting.(Murray M, Encyclopedia Of Natural Medicine) Salicylates is in aspirin; it occurs naturally in a variety of foods.

Following is a list of spices containing salicylates:
curry powder
cayenne pepper

When cooking meals add some of these spices to dishes.

Following are fruits that contain salicylates:

Also eat plenty of green leafy vegetables such as cabbages, kale, and green lettuces. These vegetables contain vitamin K, which is another nutrient commonly known to thin the blood, thus preventing blood clots.

Other foods to eat are garlic, onions, olive oil, and fish.

Nutritional Supplements
the following vitamins can help stop blood clotting
vitamin B6
vitamin B12
folate acid
omega 3 fatty acids

According to Dr. Jacque Genest of The Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, these nutrients work together to prevent platelets from sticking together and clotting.

Doing exercise is another good way to prevent blood clots. Exercise gets the blood flowing and circulating through the body. As the blood flows platelets are not allowed to sit stationary together and clamp together. So people at risk of developing blood clots should exercise daily. Take walks, and be sure to swing one’s arm to increase blood flow through the upper body. After awakening in the morning do bends and stretches. Use public transportation as much as possible. Using public transportation forces a person to stand, walk , and run.

See also  What Can Cause a Blood Clot?

Blood clots can be very serious. People at risk of having them should be careful of their diet and life style.