How to Get Paid to Write Book Reviews

If you are someone who loves to read then getting paid to review books would be the perfect career choice for you. Although technology has evolved into the creation of e-books, a book review is still a wanted commodity and now more than ever with the increasing number of blogs more book lovers are getting into the book review game. However, before you can begin to see your name in print or online as a book reviewer there are a few things you must do before you can get paid.

If you want to get paid to write book reviews you must develop your writing. You might be thinking you should have paid more attention in your English class, but one of the things I like about writing is it can always be learned. Read books about writing, take a writing class, and keep a writing journal. In order to perfect your writing skills you must do it every day, and the suggestions I listed will help you get on track. Just because you are writing a book review doesn’t mean it should be any less colorful or lively compared to other writing genres.

Next, with the birth of blogs and social media you can make a name for yourself by creating an online portfolio of your works. You don’t necessarily have to use your real name online, but have some sort of portfolio will help you get noticed. Depending on your knowledge of web design either WordPress or Blogger will do you justice, and treat your online writing as if you were applying for a real writing job: strong writing, strong sentences, and correct punctuation and grammar. Nothing says beginner like misspelled words and inaccurate grammar. You can even share your works outside of your blog on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and book reviewing websites. The point is to not only build a portfolio of your writing but to also get practice and experience.

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Once you begin to get a following and some recognition of your reviews then you should begin to apply for book reviewing jobs, or you can use your online blog or website to earn income from your reviews. Now realize in the beginning you may not make as much money because there are still veterans in the book reviewing arena who are probably well sought after, but don’t get discouraged because there is still enough room for your voice.

Writing book reviews is not for the faint-hearted, but if you are someone who is in love with the written word and love seeing them printed and bound in either a hardcover or soft cover then getting paid to write book reviews could be a possible career choice. However, remember that writing book reviews is a job and keep that in mind when you feel like your love for reading is being overshadowed by writing about them. Book reviewing is not a job for everyone.