Freeganism: How to Get Started

Freegans are people who have decided to opt out of the economic system as much as possible. The goal is to buy as little as possible and decrease waste. Every time you buy something, no matter how careful you are to make wise choices, you are supporting an economic structure that hurts people and animals, contributes to pollution, and encourages people to buy more and more, throwing out what they already have. If you are concerned about the effects of commercialism, consider freeganism. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Consider what you can reclaim from the trash. There are so many usable items thrown out in our society that there is no real reason to buy anything new. Start small. Stroll the streets on trash day looking for items that you might need. Check local dumpsters for food. This doesn’t need to be as disgusting as it first sounds. Bakeries typically throw out their day old stuff everyday! Grocery stores regularly throw out produce that doesn’t look quite as good as the new stuff they just got in, and they also throw out products that have passed their sell by dates everyday. These items are still good.

2. Find things you need from others who are trying to avoid putting them into the trash. Some grocery stores and bakeries give their outdated/day old products to food banks for distribution to the poor. These programs typically have more food than takers. Use these services. Check out freecycle email lists to see if anyone has anything you need. Some communities have events where you can offer up things you don’t need anymore and pick up things that you do. Clothing exchanges can be successful too. Consider starting one.

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3. Avoid throwing things away! Give things away, recycle, compost, and repair things that are broken. Freecycle and the free section of craigslist are a great way to find owners for your unwanted stuff.

4. Don’t use the car. Cars not only add to pollution, they kill people and animals. Car manufacturing, purchasing gas, and road building all have a negative effects. Instead of using an automobile, hop on a bike or walk. If you have to use a car, make sure that the trip is necessary and that the car is full! Choose energy efficient vehicles.

5. Take a stand against abandoned buildings and vacant lots. Boarded up buildings can be housing for the homeless or community centers. Vacant lots can be turned into community gardens providing food for the neighborhood.

6. Learn to forage. Lots of foods can be found in the wild. Head to the library and do some research. Find out what wild edibles grow in your area and start looking. You’d be surprised what you can find to eat in the wild even in an urban environment.

7. Share what you are doing with others. One of the whole problems with our economic system is the isolation of each consumer. Share finds and information with those you meet. Before you know it, you’ll have a whole community of helpers and sharers to accompany you on your journey into freeganism.