Four Home Remedies for Pinkeye

Pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, is a condition that turns the whites of one, or both, of your eyes pink. When you have pinkeye, your eyes swell and itch. And there might be a discharge that gets crusty when it dries.

Lots of things can cause pinkeye, including allergens, pollution, chemicals, or irritants in the air. You can also get pinkeye from someone else who has pinkeye. If they’ve touched their eye before touching your hand, and then you touch your own eye, you’ll probably end up with conjunctivitis. Or, if they touch their infected eye before touching a pen, then you later pick up the same pen, you could also end up with pinkeye.

Pinkeye isn’t usually a serious condition. Most of the time, pinkeye clears up within 48 hours. But here are some home remedies that will help speed up the healing process while relieving the swelling and itching.

An eye patch won’t help pinkeye.

You might have been told that an eye patch is the best thing for pinkeye. But, in fact, it can be the worst. Covering the eye with anything will raise the temperature in your eye, which can make pinkeye worse. Also, an eye patch could prevent your tears from naturally flushing and cleaning the eye, which could slow down the healing process. If you have pinkeye, it’s best to leave the eye uncovered.

If your eye is being irritated by sunlight or the wind, wear sunglasses. They will protect your infected eye while still allowing it to breathe.

You can use a compress, but only for a few minutes.

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Applying a cold compress to your eyes for ten minutes can help relieve the inflammation and itchiness. Just don’t leave the compress on for too long. (For example, you don’t want to fall asleep with the compress over your eye.)

Repeat this pinkeye treatment about four times a day.

Stop using contacts the minute you realize you have pinkeye.

Wearing contact lenses while you have pinkeye can lead to serious problems, and long-term damage to your eye. So, the minute you realize you have pinkeye, go back to wearing glasses until the condition clears up.

Clean eye with a cold cloth.

To get rid of the crust or discharge around your eye, dip a cloth in cold or lukewarm water, and ring it out. Close your eye and gently wipe around the area. If you’re having trouble getting the crust off of your eyelashes, rest the wet cloth over your closed eye for thirty seconds to two minutes, to soften the crusty buildup, and make it easier to remove.

When to see a doctor.

Most of the time, pinkeye isn’t serious. But you should see a doctor if:

• Pinkeye hasn’t gone away in 48 hours. This could mean pinkeye is caused by bacteria and, if not treated quickly, there could be permanent damage to your eye.
• If pinkeye is causing you pain.
• Pinkeye is causing your vision to be blurry, or there are “haloes” or “auras” around lights.

While pinkeye isn’t usually a serious condition, the sooner you can get rid of pinkeye, the sooner you can get rid of the itching and discomfort this condition can cause.