Pink Eye: Do I Have the Pink Eye?

The Pink Eye is painful, to say the least. Not only does your eye turn a reddish color, but it is hard to even blink. If you’ve had it, you know! Be prepared and deal with the pink eye quickly and efficiently. Remember that this viral conjunctivitis can be spread so don’t share makeup, pillows, hats, towels, or washcloths with other people.

Do I have the Pink Eye?

If you are wondering if you have the pink eye, there are a few signs to help you figure out if and how long you’ve had the pink eye. First and foremost, the pink eye is highly contagious. If you have it, stay away from people. Some of the symptoms associated with the pink eye are light sensitivity, burning, itching, irritation, itching, or even crusting. The pink eye hurts, there’s no doubt about it.

Pink Eye Precautions

Pink eye happens in children and adults so be prepared if someone in your family has the pink eye, you need to take precautions. Have hand sanitizer and wash your hands often. Lysol is also good to take with you to work and keep your work area clean and free of bacteria. Doctors don’t normally give prescriptions for the pink eye but they do have them available. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you can’t get rid of the pink eye.

How Long Does the Pink Eye Last?

The Pink Eye can last from a few days to a few weeks. If you have the pink eye, take every precaution from the beginning to make sure you don’t spread the viral and bacterial conjunctivitis to someone else. Keep your hands and face clean at all times and don’t touch your eye at all. If you do, wash your hands immediately.

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5 Pink Eye Home Remedies

Sea Salt

Sea salt with a mixture of water is a favorite home remedy for pink eye. Wash the eye completely with the salt/water mixture. This can be repeated as many times a day as needed. Remember to use a clean washcloth each use. Also, wash your hands completely. If you don’t have sea salt, you can add regular salt.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very medicinal plant. Cut out the pulp of the Aloe Vera and apply to the eye. This may sting a little but is very healing. Do this several times a day for the greatest amount of relief.

Lemon Juice

This will sting but it is a very effective pink eye cure. You can mix lemon and water to dilute the lemon if needed. Wash the eye with the lemon/water as it will clean out the eye duct. This will sting for about five minutes but is very effective.

Honey and Warm Water

This pink eye remedy is very soothing to the eye. It may not take all the pain away but will sooth while it hurts the most. You can use this remedy as many times as needed.

Herbal Tea Bag

Steep two tea bags for about five minutes as you want the tea bags very hot. Now, take the tea bags and place directly over the eye with the pink eye. The herbal tea bag will draw the infection out of the eye. Only use the tea bag once and throw away immediately after use.


Pink Eye

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