If you were to wake up one morning with one of your eye or both eyes feeling itchy, irritated, swollen, with eyelids stuck together and your eyes looking reddened or bloodshot. You most likely would be having the signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis also called “Pink Eye.” Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane that covers the inner lining of the eye lids and some portion of the white of the eye. This inner lining helps to keep your eyelid and eye ball moist. Conjunctivitis is a common condition that can affect adults or children.

According to Dr. Michael A. Sherman, Instructor of Emergency Medical Habor Hospital.
Conjunctivitis is extremely common in the United States of America. Three percent of all emergency department visits are ocular (related to the eye) and conjunctivitis is responsible for approximately thirty percent of all eye complaints. Approximately fifteen percent of all the population will have an allergic conjunctivitis episode at some time

There are many causes of conjunctivitis, bacterial infection, viral infection, an allergen, or injury to your eye. Irritating substances such as dust, smoke, chemical fumes and swimming in a pool treated with an excessive amount of chlorine can cause conjunctivitis.

Treatment for Conjunctivitis.
The treatments for conjunctivitis depend on the cause. See your physician for diagnosis and treatment. Your physician will exam your eye and take a culture swab to analyze and determine the cause of the infection.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious. This will be treated with an antibiotic via an eye ointment, eye drops or in the form of a pill. The ointment or drops will be applied to the inner eye lids 3-4 times per day for 5-7days. The pills will be prescribed for a 7 day period. Take as prescribed to get the full effects of the antibiotic. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding cleaning your eye and application of the antibiotic ointment or drops.
In the bacterial form once the antibiotic is taken for a period of 24 hours, attending work and/or school can be resumed.

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Viral Conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis like the bacterial form is also highly contagious. This form is not treatable with antibiotics. The signs and symptoms will run its course or 4 days to 2 weeks. The application of warm or cold eye compresses 3 – 4 times per day will soothe and ease the discomfort. An alternative medical treatment of applying eye compresses soaked in chamomile or eyesight herbal tea is recommended by alternative medicine advocates for easing and soothing the discomfort. To prevent the spread and cross contamination of the viral form of conjunctivitis, adults should not go to work and children should not attend school until the the condition subsides.

Conjunctivitis Due to Irritants.
The key to treating this form of conjunctivitis is to avoid the specific irritant and any other possible irritants. The treatment is to flush your eye with sterile water for 4-5 minutes; your symptoms should subside after 4-5 hour. If it persists contact your physician for further guidance.

Conjunctivitis due to Allergens
Allergies can cause conjunctivitis, seek your physician’s advice.
Usually after the allergen is identified and removed and or an antihistamine is taken the symptoms will subside.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Conjunctivitis
The STD bacteria of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can also infect the conjunctiva.
Proper treatment with the appropriate antibiotics along with proper hand washing is the key to avoiding cross contamination to the conjunctiva.
Opthtalmia Neonatorum Conjunctivitis occurs when a baby passes through the birth canal of a mother infected with the STD of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. New born babies are given a prophylactic treatment of antibiotic eye ointment as a precaution.

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Proper hygiene and hand washing is the key to preventing an occurrence of conjunctivitis along with taking the following precautions.
Do not share eye cosmetics with others.
Do not share towels, wash cloths or handkerchiefs with others.
Follow proper directions in caring for your contact lens.
Avoid using extended wear contact lens.
Avoid eye irritants and any known allergens that will affect you.
Avoid swimming in pools that have strong chlorine treatments.

Taking good care of your health, wellness and well-being will lessen the chances of you waking up with conjunctivitis.