Foods Without Milk for People with Milk Allergies

A milk allergy is a very tough allergy to have. There are so many different foods that include milk. A milk allergy and being lactose intolerant are two very separate things. With a milk allergy, you are actually allergic to the milk protein. The milk protein is called whey and is in a lot of foods.

I am going to try to give you some ideas of what to look for and the products they do have without milk in them. Substitutes for milk are soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. As far as taste, in my opinion, almond is the way to go. Blue Diamond makes Almond milk. It is called Almond Breeze and it comes in regular, vanilla, or chocolate milk.

As far as recipes, I have learned there are some recipes you can substitute regular milk and use almond milk. There are also some recipes that almond milk will not work with. For example, if you are making a cake, almond milk works great! The batter looks very thin but when you bake it, it comes out great.

Also, look at your butter. Most butters have milk in them. Always be sure to look for whey because if it doesn’t say milk, it doesn’t mean the milk protein isn’t in it.

Cheese is another thing that is a tough one to find without the milk protein in it. There is a brand of cheese, pizzas, ice cream, and many other products and it is called Tofutti. It is the most tasteful brand of items without the milk protein.

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Overall, it is very tough to find products without milk but once you start to remember all of the foods that have the milk protein in them, it gets a little easier.

Make sure you look at every single item you buy because there are foods out there that have whey in them and you would never guess they would. For ice cream, Toffuti has a lot of different products you can choose from and they are wonderful.

If you have a child allergic to milk and they are invited to a birthday party, take some of their ice cream with them. It is very sad to watch a child that is allergic to milk become upset because the other kids are having cake and ice cream. The best way is just to let the other parent know and try to take an ice cream or a cupcake with them so they are not left out.

Finally, go to your natural food stores. They have a lot of items without milk and if you can’t find something, just ask. I have found people to be very helpful there. You can also take the time to search the internet for more answers or join a group of people in the same situation.