Flowering Shrubs and Trees

One of the most beautiful of the flowering trees and one which needs a little protection is the Magnolia. One usually grown is M. soulangiana with its large purple pink blooms. It blooms in early spring. The star Magnolia is very early with white star-like flowers. The flowering crabapple trees are beautiful for spring bloom and you can work out very lovely garden pictures with plantings of tulips and other spring blooms around them.

Some of the varieties are Bechtel with its double pink blooms resembling little roses; Hopa with large single rose red flowers. Dolgo with single white flowers and large fruits. Almey has crimson flowers with a white center and grows upright. Radiant has rose red blooms and crimson red fruit which can be used for jelly. There are flowering peach, plum and cherry trees for springtime enjoyment. For summer flowers you can have the Golden Rain Tree with its yellow flowers and showy seed pods.

Another delightful flowering tree which flowers in summer is the Silk or Mimosa tree. It requires some protection in certain areas. The foliage is lacy and the flowers come in powder-puff clusters of pink. Your nurseryman will have a variety of flowering trees for your gardening pleasure. When planting shrubs and trees always make allowance for the full grown plant when you plant it in life garden. Your nurseryman can give you the size of the plant at maturity: This will save costly transplanting later on. In selecting shrubs you should obtain those that will give you color for a long period of time.

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You will want the golden forsythia which blooms with the early tulips and daffodils. The Japonica or flowering quince is another very early flowering bush. It grows to about three feet and flowers are red orange. You will want the pussy willow for its interesting catkins of silvery pink in early spring. The lilacs do very well in alkaline soils so include them with some of the exotic French types. Their fragrance and beauty adds a wonderful touch to the garden. Beauty bush with its pink trumpet shaped flowers in late May and early June is a graceful addition to the garden.

For later flowers, there are the snowballs, the fragrant mock oranges, and bridal wreath. The Weigela is a fine red flowering shrub for June bloom. Select just the right type shrub or tree for your own garden. When you obtain the nursery stock from your garden center or nurseryman don’t allow it to dry out. Plant as soon as you receive it or place it in a pail of water until it can be planted. If you must wait for a long while before planting make certain that the stock is kept in good condition by placing it on a slant in a trench in an out-of-the-way place in the garden.

Cover it over with soil or a mulch and water well. When you are ready to plant, simply dig it up and you will find it is in good condition. Keep newly planted nursery stock well watered especially during the first year. This is especially true during the hot summer period. You might want to stake new trees where they are planted in a windy location.

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