Five Steps to Sculpted Calves

Everyone wants that bikini body for the summer, but most people overlook the calves in their workout routine. There are countless leg toning exercises, but which ones target just the calves? Yoga, pilates, and kick boxing are great leg workouts. However, if you add these 5 exercises to your workout routine, you will tone and sculpt those calves in no time.

Tip Toe I realize this sounds silly, but trust me, it works. Very simply, in your bare feet, raise up on your tip toes and walk slowly forward about twenty feet. Turn around and walk back, rest for 30 seconds and repeat. Do 5 repetitions. Another variation of this is to walk everywhere on tip toe for as long as you possibly can. To work the inner part of your calf, roll back onto your heels and do the above exercise, only on the heels with the toes pointed up.

Sitting Calf Raises Sitting in a chair, place the toe of one foot on a calf raise bar or an exercise step with the arch and the heel hanging off. Place a weight or dumbbell on your thigh to add resistance. Slowly lower your heel down, as far as is comfortable, then raise up on the toe. Repeat for 15 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat the process.

Standing Calf Raises Standing next to a sturdy chair or wall for support, position both feet the same as in the sitting calf raise; toe on the step, arch and heel hanging off. Placing your hand on the chair or wall for support, slowly raise up on your toes and then down slowly on your heels as far as is comfortable. Do 20 repetitions.

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One legged calf raises In the preceding position as the standing calf raise, take one leg and bend it at a 90 degree angle so that all of your weight is on one leg. Keeping one hand on the wall for support, hold a weight or dumbbell in the opposite hand, but on the same side as the leg, you are exercising. Do 10 repetitions, switch legs and repeat.

Squat plie’ Stand with your feet facing out a little further than shoulder length apart. Rise up on the balls of your feet and lower yourself into a squat position, as far as is comfortable, and hold for a 5 count. Rise up slowly, squeezing your buttocks as you rise. Do 10 repetitions. For added burn, hold a dumbbell in each hand as you are doing this exercise.

Remember too, if you seriously desire to sculpt your calves, add jump roping to your routine. Also, when you use the stairs, take them on the balls of your feet and do not allow your heel touch the ground. Well, there you have it, 5 easy exercises for sculpting your calf muscles.