Energy Boosting Snacks

It’s the middle of the afternoon and you are running on fumes. Many of us get to this point and reach automatically for a candy bar or caffeinated drink to give us a burst of energy to make it through until dinner. While you will get energy from these choices, it is short lived and usually leaves you to crash and burn right as you need that extra boost. Snacking is important to our bodies. It gives us energy and helps to keep our metabolisms ticking over. But, eating the right snacks to give us healthy energy is important. You want snacks that will boost your blood sugar and keep it level for a time. Low fat snacks made up of a combination of good carbohydrates and protein are the best energy boosters that you can eat. The snacks I am listing here are all healthy, full of energy and easy to prepare.

Energy Boosting Snack #1 – Fruit

Fruits such as oranges, apples and bananas are loaded with good carbs and vitamin C. The energy boost you will get when eating a piece of fruit is long lasting and quick acting. This is a great snack to take with you to work, school or even just running around town. Fruit is easy to transport and does not need to be refrigerated. For an added bonus, try spreading some peanut butter on a piece of apple. The added protein and fat will give you even more energy. You can also make a quick fruit salad of cut up apples, bananas and berries to keep in your fridge for times when you need a quick snack. Add a splash of orange or lemon juice to keep the fruit from browning and store in an airtight container. For added energy, sprinkle your fruit salad with some chopped walnuts or pecans.

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Energy Boosting Snack #2 – Hummus and Veggie Sticks

Hummus is a spread or dip that is made from ground chick peas and legumes. You can purchase this in stores flavored with such things as red pepper or garlic. The protein and fiber from hummus makes it a great energy food. Using vegetable sticks to dip hummus gives you an extra dose of good carbs and fibers. I suggest red pepper, carrot sticks, celery, zucchini sticks or sugar snap peas as carriers for this super great energy dip. A small container of hummus and a zip bag of vegetables is easy to take on the go as well!

Energy Boosting Snack #3 – Whole Wheat Crackers and Low Fat Cheese

Cheese and crackers. What better snack can there be? If you make sure that your crackers are a good whole wheat cracker and your cheese is low fat, you will have a snack that will give you a great energy burst with low calories. The protein in the cheese will combine with the fiber and carbs of the crackers to give you the help you need to get through the day.

Energy Boosting Snack #4 – Yogurt with Granola or Cereal

The carbs and protein in a low fat yogurt are great for energy. To energize it even more and to give it greater taste and texture, sprinkle some granola, toasted oats or crunchy cereal on the top of your yogurt. This is a great way to make yogurt a treat for those of us who are not big fans.

Energy Boosting Snack #5 – Trail Mix

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I’m not talking about the kind you buy in the grocery store that is loaded with candy and cereal. Make your own! Mix together plain peanuts, almonds, dried cranberries and dried apricots along with some shelled sunflower seeds and wheat cereal (like chex). You can even add dried banana chips, coconut flakes or dried pineapple for a twist. Store your mix in an airtight container. Grab a handful when you need an energy boost. The mix of the protein and fats from the nuts with the carbs and fiber from the dried fruit will give you a great snack.


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