Eliminating Stomach and Bowel Disorders in Toddlers

A daycare provider reported to parents that the children in her care were experiencing stomach pain and painful bowel movements. The parents reported that they noticed this problem at home but thought that it was just normal. It seems disorders of the stomach and bowels in infants and toddlers is one of the most prevalent complaints of children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years of age.

Pediatricians report that they regularly see this problem in children who are being weaned off breast milk. The general opinion of Pediatricians is that this is a behavioral disorder. In some cases, this may be true. But this diagnosis is little consolation to parents who listen to their precious child screaming in the bathroom.

Pediatric nurses cite the problem as children holding in their stools when they approach the potty training stage. Most physicians take a “wait and see attitude” to see if the problem goes away as the child ages. Other than the stomach pains and impacted bowels, these children seem healthy . From a physical view, they don’t have problems until it is time to either go to the bathroom or digest their food properly.

Parents are dismayed by the problem. The parents want to bypass the old fashioned remedies. Parents demand tests and other invasive medical procedures to get to the bottom of these stomach problems. The parent has to endure the crying and fretting of children who are experiencing this constant discomfort.

One 2-year-old child was admitted to the hospital to undergo a series of tests. The test results were all negative. There was no medical reason for the problem. The final solution per the Pediatric Gastroenterologist was to give the child an enema and a prescription for an adult laxative.

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The Pediatricians suggested a change of diet in addition to the laxative. One mother did not take the suggestion of the Doctors. She knew that there was something wrong with a child that cries when trying to have a bowel movement. In addition, after eating certain foods, the mother noticed that the child complained that her stomach hurt.

The mother considered the possibility that her child could be lactose intolerant. Some of the symptoms of lactose intolerance were present in the child. Among the symptoms for the common malady in children is flatulence, griping, and surprisingly impacted bowels. Her child had been taking a mild laxative for over 7 months because of these symptoms with no relief. Alternatively, the child would have impacted bowels and then loose bowels.

Another toddler that was suffering from flatulence, griping, looseness of the bowels, and vomiting reacted favorably to the exclusion of dairy products from the diet. Some children do not have the enzymes to break down dairy products. The milk passes from the stomach into the bowels undigested. This can cause a lot of problem with children who are being weaned from a mother’s breast milk. The transition from formula to “real milk” may very well be the culprit.

Both children responded well to a diet regimen that excluded milk and milk products. a substitute of soy milk was given to the children. They loved the flavor and drank the milk with no problems. Fruits and vegetables were given as the primary food source for several days. Prunes, grapes, cantaloupes and other high fiber products were the primary food provided. Even the snacks for the children contained sugar free, milk free items.

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The children are responding well to the new foods and soy milk . The new food regimen is being continued in the daycare environment.
