Warning Signs of an Ulcer

Nobody wants an ulcer, which are usually caused by a bacterial infection called H. pylori or by excessive usage of an anti-inflammatory. Yet many people don’t know the warning signs of an ulcer, so they don’t seek treatment for it. While an ulcer isn’t typically life-threatening, it can turn into a bleeding ulcer if left unchecked, so it’s best to know the warning signs of an ulcer in the first place so a person can seek proper treatment for it sooner rather than later.

Warning signs of an ulcer typically include stomach issues. Often, a person with an ulcer will feel a constant gnawing, hungry feeling in their stomach, that can only be relieved by eating something. An ulcer can give a person that growly stomach feeling, so they eat, and feel temporarily better for a few hours. However, if this is occurring every single day, and a person is constantly feeling urgent hunger and only finding small relief in eating something, then an ulcer could be to blame for this discomfort.

Some people feel like crap after they eat or drink something, since this is irritating their ulcer, and they can also experience stomach pains at night. People often feel full at a faster rate, and may experience bloat or a heavy feeling of uncomfortable fullness all day long. Depending on the type of ulcer a person has, or how bad, eating or drinking may make them feel temporarily better, or substantially worse.

Another unsavory sign of an ulcer are what I like to call “ulcer burps”. An ulcer burp smells like sulfur, or rotten eggs, and can also cause painful or frequent gas that smells terrible. Often, people mistake these signs as indigestion or heartburn, but they can be a very real sign of an ulcer, particularly when accompanied by other symptoms.

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For ulcers that have hit a more dangerous stage, such as a bleeding ulcer, constant aching in the stomach or black, sticky stools can be apparent. When an ulcer is deeply irritated and bleeding, a person can pass the partially digested blood in their stool, resulting in a soft, black, sticky poop that should raise alarm. Also, vomiting may occur, and if the vomit has what looks like coffee grounds in it, then this could also be partially digested blood coming out of the mouth. These symptoms should not be ignored, and are usually sure signs of a bleeding ulcer, or something more serious.

In general, if a person cannot find reason for their sudden bloat, nausea, discomfort when eating, or constant hunger, an ulcer shouldn’t be ruled out. Sometimes, the symptoms are minute and hardly noticeable, or certainly tolerable, but once they hit the stage of a bleeding ulcer, the symptoms typically get worse. Seeking treatment immediately upon discovering bloody stools or vomiting blood is often when people finally take their symptoms seriously, although ulcer signs are usually apparent well before this particular stage. If you suspect an ulcer, see your doctor fro treatment, which often includes antibiotics for a bacterial infection that is causing the ulcer.

