Eight Cool Things About FROGS

1. Frogs are OLD!
Frogs have been around for about 190 million years! It is assumed they developed their strong legs to help them hop away from, and avoid, dinosaur predators who were trying to eat them. This could also be why some are poisonous! It would prevent dinosaurs or other predators from snacking on the frogs.

2. Frogs come in all sizes!
Frogs range in size from less than half an inch in length, to about a foot in length. Both of these kinds aren’t found in North America, but instead are found living in the tropics of Brazil, and Western Africa. The world’s smallest frog was recently discovered inside of carnivorous plants in Borneo! One of these teeny tiny frogs can barely cover the date on a penny! They were seen before, but scientists thought they were just babies of previously known species, so they didn’t pay any attention to them.

3. Warts don’t come from frogs, but poison can!
You can’t get warts from frogs, or even from toads, even if they pee on you, but some frogs are poisonous, to keep from being eaten by larger predators, such as lizards, snakes, and birds. If a frog’s poison gets on your skin, it can give you have a rash there. Doctors and scientists are working on ways to use some of the poisons found in frogs to create new medicines that kill pain.

4. Rain with frogs?
It can really rain frogs, if the wind picks up frogs from a nearby pond or stream, and drops the frogs elsewhere. It has happened all the way back to biblical times, and happens even today.

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5. Watch out, it can bite!
Not really, because they only have teeth on the top. Frogs not only have long tongues to catch prey with, but they also use teeth on the tops of their mouths to keep the prey from escaping. Their eyes go inside their heads when they are eating because they are using the pressure from their eyes to push the food down into their stomachs.

6. Frog feet are sticky!
Frogs have suckers on their toe pads that make it possible for them to sit on just about anything. They can jump from one place and not have to worry about what they are landing on too much, because there are very few things they won’t be able to hang onto.

7. Skin and eyes of frogs are cool!
Frogs do not drink water with their mouths. Their skin absorbs water, so when you see a frog sitting in water, the frog is really getting a drink! However, if the frog is in salty water, it will die. Their eyes and noses are on top of their heads so they can still see and breathe, even while in the water. Some frogs even have heart shaped pupils.

8. Colorful frogs!
Frogs come in many different colors, but the bright ones are thought to be poisonous, and avoided, by predators. The frogs that aren’t so brightly colored are camouflaged to avoid predators. Neither kind wants to be eaten!

Sources used:

Weird Frog Facts from All About Frogs
Tiny Frog Found Living Inside Carnivorous Plants in Borneo
Interesting Facts About Frogs