Effective Ways to Prevent Friends and Family from Driving Drunk

Drinking and driving is no joke. Every year thousands of people are killed or severely injured by someone whose had “a few too many” or “was only a little tipsy.” Having any alcohol in your system can impair judgment or make you sleepy. It’s hard to stop people who are intent on driving from stepping behind the wheel, but it’s your societal duty. No more minding your own business, a drunk driver impacts far more lives than his own.

Planning is key to prevent drinking and driving. Choose a designated driver who is responsible and will stick to the plan. If everybody wants to cut loose, take a taxi to the party or bar. If there is no car, there is no temptation to get behind the wheel. If you see a friend about to drive, take their keys. Although they may be upset with you then, the day after they are usually apologetic and grateful for your intervention.

If you are hosting an event, be upfront that drinking and driving will not be permitted. Make everyone put their keys in a fishbowl on the way in, or suggest people use public transportation.

As the host of a party, stop serving alcohol an hour before you plan to wrap things up and bring out coffee, hot cocoa, or sodas. Start serving Virgin Daiquiris, floats, shakes, anything to end the night on a sweet but alcohol free note. Plan on serving a late night snack like pizza, cheese and crackers, or cake to help absorb alcohol.

Stopping co-workers or parents are sometimes the hardest people to intervene. Co-workers we want to keep a professional relationship, and telling your parents to do anything can be discouraging. Try to avoid situations where over consumption will occur.

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If you grab drinks after work, hit happy hour then suggest splitting and appetizer before you head out so you will have some solid food on your stomach. If they’ve clearly overindulged, suggest dropping them at home and picking them up on your way to work in the morning.

Dealing with your parents, stand firm. Although they are your elders, driving drunk is unacceptable. Suggest they stay the night with you, or think of a diversion. Ask them to go for a walk to discuss a financial matter or a discrepancy at work. Your asking for their opinion will make them feel insightful and integral to your life, all the while they will be sobering up without your making them feel inferior.

Driving and drinking can destroy lives. There is no one I know who has not lost a close relative or friend due to the irresponsibility of someone driving under the influence. Do your part to help ensure the roads are safe by being responsible yourself and helping to dissuade would be drunken drivers from getting behind the wheel.