Educational Summer Activities for Kids

As every parent who has a school age child knows, summer vacation is almost here. It’s less than 2 months away, and we’re already racking our brains, trying to come up with one fun activity after another we can get our kids involved in, so that they aren’t sitting constantly in front of the TV and Xbox for 20 hours everyday, turning their small, rapidly developing brains into mush. We’ve all been there, but with a little effort and some creativity, you can turn summer vacation into a learning experience for your child. A time, that’s not eaten up with school, and the usual host of after school activities there involved in, a time you can use to get them interested in something new, something unusual and fun.

Summer camp is the obvious choice of parents everywhere. You can find summer camps that cater to just about every activity imaginable. There are sports camps, cheer camps, horseback riding camps, swimming camps, and pottery camps, whatever your child may be interested in, its almost guaranteed you’ll find a summer camp catering to that theme. However, before choosing a camp, make sure that the one you choose is safety certified. For more information on summer camp safety check out these and other interesting websites,, and And of course, for those of us who just cant stand the thought, of turning the care of our kids over to someone else for an entire week, there are those ever popular day camps. At a day camp, kids usually go from a certain time in the morning until a certain time at night. These are great because included in the price of the weekly fees, which are usually much lower than a summer camp, are meals, snacks, activities, and, if you are a working parent, this will also include the price of daycare. Again, you can find numerous themed camps, depending on your child’s preference, from pottery camps, that can help to develop your little painter into the next Michelangelo, to basketball camp, including cheerleading, volleyball, soccer, even, astronomy camp. These camps usually start at the pre k level and last through 5th or 6th grade. Sometimes, local churches in your area, who oftentimes sponsor these camps, can get fees drastically reduced or even obtain a scholarship for your child. The same with summer camps, if you really want your child to go but just cant afford the cost, call local churches in your area and see what summer camps they offer, also, ask if you are eligible to receive reduced fees. Do your children enjoy running? Get them involved in relay races. running for charity or just for fun? it doesnt really matter, there learning about physical fitness and being a team player. it’s a wonderful way for them to get fit while participating in a team outdoor activity, and it teaches them self respect and gives them confidence in there abilities. If this is something your child chooses to do you can get some information on relay races at The local YMCA in your area also usually sponsors summer activities for children, from swim lessons to basketball and gymnastics, all for one low monthly fee. The outdoors can be a wonderful laboratory for your kids.

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They can also learn valuable lessons from nature by observing plant and animal life. A wonderful way for them to get plugged into nature is to plant a small child size garden. This is something you and your child can do together, you’ll have tons of fun planting and growing plant life. Nothing is as much fun for kids, as digging in the dirt and spraying everything down with a water hose. Your child size garden should only contain a few vegetables of your child’s choice. Some popular veggies’, which are easy to plant and care for, would be tomatoes, yellow squash, sweet peppers and cucumbers. And the best thing of all is the fun you’ll have caring for, harvesting and preparing these newly grown vegetables with your children. You can obtain information on getting started with your new garden at websites such as,, and And, while you have them outside anyway, put those little minds and bodies to work, by have them get started on those much needed chores you’ve been meaning to do outside, like cleaning gutters, raking, and weeding. This is a great opportunity to teach your children about the benefits and responsibilities of working, by assigning them certain duties and rewards for completing that work. I’ve tried this with my kids several times in the past and its been a huge success every time, they accomplished the work I needed them to do, and felt very satisfied with themselves, and of course, earning there spending money, instead of me just handing it out, gave them each a feeling of accomplishment. A wonderful way to teach kids empathy and compassion for others, is by allowing them to see how those who are less fortunate than us, are forced to live. Having them devote there time, as well as yours, to a local homeless shelter, soup kitchen or other charitable organization in your area, can open there eyes to a whole new of life. Teach your children love and respect for the elderly by touring local nursing homes with them, and volunteering there time, as well as yours, to read to someone or sometimes just to visit and talk, which can mean as much to the both of them. Encourage your children to donate there time to helping out an elderly family member or neighbor with various chores. But be cautious and make sure your children are well supervised and that you know the person you are entrusting your kids with, very well.

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There are many fun, educational things to do with your child right in your own neighborhood. With a little creative thinking and searching of the internet, I’m sure you’ll find many inexpensive day trips to take right in your own backyard. Touring the local parks and exploring nature is an excellent learning adventure for your child. Taking a night time tour of a local park and stargazing can be an excellent learning adventure for them. Teaching them the names of some of the constellations while going over history of where the name originated, instills in them a love for the cosmos. Adventures for the lord, or teaching them a love and devotion to doing the lords work, can be an amazing, exciting experience for your child. It teaches them the importance of prayer, bible study and reaching out to neighbors. Instead of attending church on Wednesday and Sunday nights, take one of those nights each month, have your child pick some fresh flowers or bake up some homemade brownies, with your supervision of course, and visit neighbors, taking along your treats and talking to them, inviting them to church or praying for them. This is the greatest summer activity of all and shouldn’t only be used during the summer but every week. It instills a sense of pride, belonging and a deep love for the lord in your child. Summer doesn’t have to be boring, instead, let every day be overflowing with fun, excitement and education, running over with happy, self worth creating experiences, for both you and your child.