Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids

Those lazy days of summer are here, and all to soon, kids will be running out of schools everywhere, anxious to start there summer. But just how do we parents find activities to keep them occupied while there out of school? To Keep them busy so they don’t spend the whole summer sitting in there rooms playing video games? Well, I’ve raised 5 kids of my own, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, its to be prepared. I’m not saying you should have everyday of there whole summer vacation planned out. I mean, that’s what summers all about, forgetting school for a couple of months, just relaxing and having fun. But, it does help if you have a list of things you want to get accomplished over the summer, a list of things you want to do with your child.

My kids, like most children, get bored easily, and they absolutely hate the outdoors, that’s just a fact, if I try to get them outside its like starting world war 3. But never the less, its my job as there parent to make sure they lead well rounded lives, and are well developed. Our kids are like growing flowers, they need fresh air and sunshine to survive. So usually a few times a week during the summer months, ill encourage my kids to get outside for a little playtime. There are a lot of interesting activities to be found in the outdoors. Tons of exciting things to do and see. I installed a volleyball net in my front yard and my kids and I spend hours out there on those long summer afternoons, we have so much fun, its become our favorite activity. Also, we have a pool in the front yard, granted, its not very big, but still, we’ll invite over the neighborhood kids and our tiny pool keeps them occupied for hours. We have several other water toys in our yard, a slip n slide, banzai water slide and sandbox. Sometimes, on the weekends, we’ll rent one of those huge inflatables and the kids will have a blast jumping and bouncing all day. And there really affordable if you have the extra money, only 100.00 for the weekend with set up and take down included. Also, on balmy summer nights, we like to build a bonfire in the yard and roast marshmellows, cook hot dogs, burgers or whatever else we may have a taste for, and then after dinner, we’ll watch a movie on the television, which we’ve moved outside on the porch for this occasion. I have a tent set up in my back yard, so its not unusual for us to sleep outside In our tent and do our cooking over the camp fire. Fishing is another fun idea, my kids and I love fishing, it’s a bonding time for us, and even though we don’t catch many fish, usually because us girls are to busy squealing over sticking the hook through the icky worms, to really catch anything, Its still loads of fun. And it gets my kids outside teaching them something about nature. Touring local parks, museums, and sources of history, can be fun, and a great learning experience for kids and adults alike. In our area, we have several local parks that have grills, hiking paths where you can view squirrels feeding, ponds filled with fish, and birdfeeders where every bird imaginable can be found, we sometimes spend an entire afternoon in the park, it really is possible to get lost for hours in the sights and sounds of nature. And, there are also the obvious choices of many parents, summer camps, and day camps, with some research you should be able to find a camp that caters to whatever your child may be interested in, from cheerleading and basketball, to painting and hiking. Day camps are definitely a more affordable choice and have the added benefit of helping deter the costs of daycare during the summer for working parents.

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Of course, don’t forget about bible school, which most churches usually sponsor right after school lets out for the summer. Bible school is a wonderful, faith based opportunity, for your child to learn about christ, while having fun and making friends, with transportation, snacks and activities provided at no cost to you. This could also be the summer you choose for your family to get healthy, by eating right and exercising every afternoon. Teach your kids about nutrition and exercise, begin a daily power walk regimen through the neighborhood, but remember, your child’s legs cant move quite as fast as yours so make allowances, you could also take a bike ride together as a family, touring the neighborhood. Find families in your area with kids the same age as yours, and form a neighborhood walking group, Or a bike riding group, even a kids volleyball team, who get together and play once or twice a week. This not only gets kids outside, but helps them develop there strength, coordination and allows them to have fun and build relationships. Wanna teach your child about community responsibility? Have them volunteer there time to help out neighbors with chores they need done around the house, or outside, and, usually, this will also earn them a little extra spending money, as most people, If they see your child really putting an effort into working, will offer something as a reward. When your child is offering there services to neighbors, or strangers, make sure they are well supervised at all times. For information on keeping your child safe check out www.childsafety.com.

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You might also consider getting together with other area moms and forming a play group with sponsored play dates several times a week, This works with younger children as well as teens, you just have to mix up the activities. For younger children consider an afternoon spent playing all there favorite outside games, like tag and hide and go seek. Followed by a picnic dinner of there favorites, such as p.b. and j or pizza, served outdoors. And for older kids, an afternoon of board games at the outside picnic table, with snacks of there choosing, if you have teens then you know, eating has to be a huge part of every activity thye participate in. Or, have a bonfire, where they can roast there own marshmellows and cook there own hotdogs. Summer is definitely a time for fun and entertainment, for enjoying the outdoors and everything mother nature has to offer. And with some planning, you can create a wonderful, fun filled summer for your child.