Eating Alligators: A Healthy Meat Alternative

Okay, you’ve heard that alligator meat tastes “just like chicken”. Although alligator meat may not be exactly the same flavor and texture as chicken, it is quite similar, and alligator meat could actually compare directly to the texture and taste of white fish, such as catfish, cod, and tilapia filets. Why is this important? Well, many people have been looking for healthy alternative sources of protein to beef, and alligator meat provides one of the most efficient sources of edible protein.

The flavor of alligator is very similar to fresh water fishes or poultry, and it can satisfy almost any set of taste buds, aside from vegetarians. Alligator has a mild flavor that is easily affected through the use of spices, much like chicken or turkey. This succulent meat can be prepared in various ways, and the alligator meat can be seasoned or marinated much like any other kind of meat. The best thing about alligator, however, is the health benefit derived from its ingestion.

Beef has become a big “no-no”, and especially those prone to heart diseases and high cholesterol are encouraged to cut red meats out of their diet completely. At the same time, all people have been warned to reduce the intake of beef to less than 21 ounces a week. Many are wondering where to turn besides chicken and turkey. For red meat alternatives, bison and elk are suggested, but for those who want another source of protein, alligator is an excellent option.

Alligator meat is usually sold frozen as ribs, filets, or steaks. Steaks and filets are usually taken from the tail, which is the whitest, most tender meat found on an alligator. Textures from other areas range from consistency of pork to that of lobster. A four ounce serving of alligator contains only 177 calories. Of this, only about 3% is fat, which is less than one gram! Compare this to beef, which is 244 calories for the same amount of meat, and a total of 12 grams of fat, and you’ll find that alligator is much more efficient and healthier. In fact, in terms of efficiency, alligator ranks at the top of the list, along with tuna and elk.

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Keep in mind that, with elk meat, it has to be combined with a fattier meat to be cooked without falling apart or drying out. With alligator meat, you can season it, marinate it with milk for about three hours, and enjoy a tasty, healthy meal.

Reduction in fat intake, as well as cholesterol, can reduce the risk of heart disease, so eating alligator meat as an alternative source of protein can aid in reducing health risks. As people begin to discover this tasty source, consumption continues to increase. In fact, sources state that approximately 1 to 1-1/2 million pounds of alligator meat are now consumed in the United States alone each year. This “other white meat” product typically costs anywhere from $8.00-$10.00 per pound, but to keep your heart healthy, it’s definitely worth the price!