How to Fry Some Great Tilapia

There are many fishes in the world that people love to eat. One of them that stand out lately is, Tilapia. Tilapia has become a favorite of many people all over the world. It’s sold in almost all grocery stores across the nation. The tilapia if you’ve never seen it before is a pinkish fillet of fish. In this article I will tell you how to fry tilapia fillets for you and your family to enjoy.

The first step in frying tilapia is buying the fish. Tilapia is sold in mostly all grocery retails across the nation. Some places sell fresh tilapia and frozen tilapia. It doesn’t matter which one you choose because they both taste the same. The main thing to consider is if you want to cook it when you get home or will you be doing it another day. So if you’re going to cook it right away you would get the fresh ones, but if not you’d get the frozen fish.

The next step in frying tilapia is cleaning your fish. Fish is very fresh and should be cleaned well before you cook it. So first you will wash your tilapia thoroughly in water, add some lime juice to remove any bacteria. After this you will dry your fish with a napkin. You just wrap the napkin around the fish and soak up all the water then place the fillet into a dry bowl. Now your fish is cleaned you are ready to season it.
The next step in frying tilapia is seasoning your fish. Now that your fish is in a dry bowl, you may add seasoning too it. You would first add salt with fish you must add the seasoning to both sides so it can soak in the flavor all around. Then you may add some garlic for extra flavor, and also turmeric powder, black and red cayenne pepper, and seasoning salt. You will let the fish sit for about 10 to 15 minutes to let the seasoning soak in. now that you’re done seasoning the fish you are ready prepare the ingredients to fry.

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The next step in frying tilapia is preparing the ingredients to fry. The first thing you will do while your fish is soaking in the seasoning is add oil to the frying pan. Place a deep frying pan onto the stove at about medium heat you don’t want the oil to burn to fast. You will add some oil to the pan about ΒΌ of oil or so as long as the fish can soak a little oil in order to fry. While the oil is getting hot you will add flour and breadcrumbs to a dish. You will add about half a cup of flour and bread crumbs mix them together to make a nice thick batter. If you like cheese you may add parmesan cheese powder to the mix as well. Now the oil should be hot enough to fry your fish. You can test the oil by dropping a piece of flour into the oil and if it sizzles then the oil is ready.

The final step in frying tilapia is frying your tilapia. First you will take each fillet one at a time and place them into the batter mixture. You will rub the fillet all over on both sides until it has a thick coating of the batter on both sides. Then carefully place it into the frying pan be extra cautious because the oil is hot and can burn you badly. Now do the same with each fillet until they all have been placed into your frying pan. The next step is letting the fillets fry brown and crispy or if you prefer soft. You must keep the fire not too high but not too low also so at a medium temperature is fine. As the fish is frying keep turning them back and forth with a spatula, this well prevent one side from burning too much. If you want the fish too be crispy leave it on the fire until it’s a crispy dark brown. If you would prefer a softer fry you may let it fry until it’s a soft golden brown. The frying usually takes about 20 minutes or until it’s too your liking. When your fish is done you must place a napkin into the dish and place your fish on top of the napkin. Placing your fried fish on top of the napkin will help soak up most of the oil which is not good for you. Now you have fried tilapia for you your friends and family too all enjoy.

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I hope this article has helped you understand the steps too frying tilapia. This article may also be used with frying other fish as well since most fish are very similar. Just follow these same steps with any other fish and you will have a great dish.