Easy and Quick-15 Minute Biscuit Recipe!

You love homemade biscuits. But you never make them. Okay, what’s wrong with your biscuits? Are they too hard? Do they not rise? Or do you think it takes too much time to prepare them? This recipe is easy, easy, easy!

An easy 15-minute biscuit recipe is what you need. Don’t be afraid to try it. It is hard to make a mistake with these quick and easy biscuits!

You will need the following ingredients.
2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon salt
Pinch” of baking soda
4 teaspoons of baking powder
4 Tablespoons of oil (I use olive oil)
1 cup of Buttermilk

Here are a couple of explanations for the ingredient list. Pinch. What the heck is that? Take you thumb and first finger. Insert them into the baking soda. Clamp said finger and thumb together. Keeping them clamped, remove fingers from soda container. The amount of soda you still have between your thumb and finger is a “pinch”!

Buttermilk. Most people don’t have buttermilk on hand at all times. I don’t. This is how to “make” an easy version of buttermilk. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 cup of milk. This will sour the milk. You will use it the same as you would buttermilk in this recipe.

Knead. Take ball of dough and press with knuckles or palm of hands. (Do not get carried away with kneading this recipe.)

Let’s make biscuits. First I want you to set your oven temperature to 425 degrees. Next, take out a medium to large bowl. Get out your measuring spoons and measuring cups. Take a deep breath! Easy does it!

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Pour 1 cup of milk into a small bowl or cup. Add to this, 1-teaspoon of vinegar and 4 Tablespoons of oil. Let this set.

Get out your flour and measure 2 cups into the large bowl. Add the salt, baking soda and baking powder. Take you spoon and mix these dry ingredients together well.

Add the cup of milk with the oil and vinegar to the dry ingredients. Stir it until the dry ingredients and wet ingredients are mixed. Not too much stirring is needed. This will be sticky! Be strong, we’re almost done!

Take a SMALL amount of flour and sprinkle on top of the dough in your bowl. This will help you to work with it. Knead your dough about 10 times.

Have a floured breadboard or surface handy. Put dough on floured surface. Then roll or pat the dough out. It should be around a half to three quarters of an inch high. Remember, this is a quick, easy biscuit recipe. It is forgiving.

Take your biscuit cutter or a glass and dip the end in flour. Put on top of the dough and push. When you are all the way through the dough, pull straight up. Do not squiggle it. Go straight down and back up.

Lay on ungreased stone or baking sheet. Let set for a couple of minutes and put them in your 425-degree oven. Bake for ten minutes.

Take biscuits out; serve with honey, butter, let your imagination be your guide.

These biscuits are so easy to make. Truly! Your family will hound you for more. And it only takes about 15 minutes to make these great biscuits. Easy variations; throw a little garlic powder and/or chesse in the dough when you are mixing all the ingredients together!